Page 28 - Insurance Times September 2021
P. 28

Recent crisis in Middle East and West Asian countries are  Y  Politicians might create a conflict as they look down on
         affecting our export as the presence of military and non-  this industry
         military vessels around the Strait of Hormuz threatens the
                                                              Y  Strict environment rules
         vessels carrying goods which lead to loss in the trade. Many
         minerals are exported from India and all those when do not  Major Players:
         find any market gets flooded in the domestic market leading
         to price drop.                                       Y  National Mineral Development Corporation
                                                              Y  Vedanta
         International behaviour of any state is linked to its
                                                              Y  Hindustan Zinc
         geography, history or culture. However, now it also depends
         on the political system of the states involved. We need to  Y  Hindustan Copper
         be little aware and diplomatically straight with an honest
                                                              Y  Hindalco Industries
         approach to solve such issues to have a long bilateral or
                                                              Y  National Aluminium Company
         multilateral ties with nations around. Also, we have many
         industries that are tying up with foreign countries for mineral  Y  Bharat Aluminium Company
         exploration. Example: Adani Enterprises ties up with
                                                              Y  Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals
         Carmichael coal mine project in Australia.
                                                              Y  Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation
         Swot Analysis:
                                                              Case Study - Rathole Mining:
                                                              Coal reserves are especially found in the Eastern states of
         Y   Rich and large mineral deposits in India         India - Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, West Bengal etc.
         Y   Easy availability of labours                     and predominantly on the North Eastern states of Assam
         Y   Low wage of labours                              and Meghalaya. Here, mining is not much commercialised
                                                              due to the difficult terrain in the North Eastern states. Also,
         Y   Strategic locations
                                                              coal found in these reserves contain lots of Sulphur which
         Y   High demand of minerals
                                                              lowers its energy efficiency.
         Y   Outdated Mining technology                       A rat-hole mine is a type which involves digging of mines
                                                              that are very small in nature similar to ones dug like rats.
         Y   Poor infrastructure facility                     Hence, the name was given during the colonial times,
         Y   Few innovations                                  Sistema del rato. They are usually, 3 to 4 feet deep, in which

         Y   Unskilled labours                                workers (mostly children) enter and extract coal. It is done
                                                              mainly by the community or some families. Mainly done in
         Y   Accidents are high
                                                              the Indian state of Meghalaya. It is broadly of two types -
         Y   Hardly any Research and Development in the sector  side cutting and box cutting.

         Opportunities:                                       As we known the coal extracted are of bad quality, but lack
         Y   India has large deposits unexplored              of employment, loss of livelihood, backwardness in the region
         Y   Contract mining                                  and under education makes the people to see these mines
                                                              as a treasure and by extracting these coal they can earn
         Y   Information technology solutions in changing world
                                                              their daily bread. Rich people employ such poverty ridden
         Y   Equipment procurement with maintenance and repairs  people for the extraction, mostly children are employed
         Y   Opportunity in research and development          because of their thin body and shape. This practice of mining
                                                              has become very popular in Meghalaya. Since, it is an illegal
         Y   Public Private Partnerships can become more feasible
                                                              practice, it is done behind closed doors and companies fear
         Y   Outbound investment options                      investing in this sector.

         Threats:                                             In the year 2014, National Green Tribunal (NGT) banned the
         Y   Field Encroachment by rivals                     rat hole mining since it is unsafe and unscientific for workers.

          28  The Insurance Times, September 2021
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