Page 31 - Insurance Times September 2021
P. 31




         PSU 'S

         Introduction                                         insurance business by the government of India was much
                                                              hyped over expected venture not only to please its
         With  premium income of  about Rupees one lakh thousand
                                                              stakeholders but to find out an alternative to spread
         crores,  Indian government general insurance industry
         catering nearly 75,000  vast manpower and feeding its  benefits of insurance down to rural India and to generate
         several million agents all across India, can not be ignored  rural employment as a part of ambitious 20 point
         as a great contributor to the National economy. These  programme by the government of the day.
         companies have also contributed immensely in implementing
         various government sponsored socially benefited welfare  Existing Facts
         insurance schemes from time to time.                 Of late,  these Government General Insurance Companies
                                                              are  primarily struggling for their survival,  mainly in terms
         History                                              of procuring profitable business, generating underwriting
                                                              profits, maintaining requisite solvency levels,  reducing claim
         But post nationalisation era of 40 years of this Indian  loss ratios, controlling management expenses, downsizing
         insurance sector has neither served the very purpose of its
                                                              their huge manpower, adopting rapid changing advanced
         penetration down to the masses nor it has generated cost
                                                              technological techniques and due to various other cost
         effective market competition lagging behind  in terms of its  efficient working parameters.
         services to its citizens besides generating  negligible
         improvement in its customer services. Overtaking of general  On top of  these operational constraints,  at the helm of
                                                              their affairs,  remain  their  short tenured week higher
                             About the author                 management, mostly succumbing to their staff  unions
                                                              mostly concentrating on their HR issues and relying on
                      Dr. Daleep Pandita
                                                              inaccurate feedback resulting in to incorrect decisions,  only
                      Ex. Regional Manager, NIACL             add  to  their failure story of pre occupation with purposeless
                      Resident Editor - J & K
                                                              issues at the cost of their core business. Lot of over benefits
                                                                     The Insurance Times, September 2021 31
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