Page 33 - Insurance Times September 2021
P. 33


          INSURANCE IS




         R         isk and uncertainties are common in agriculture  instances of fraud in Gujarat, Rajasthan and claims loss ratio

                                                              is higher than 120%. PMFBY was launched in 2016 and
                   due to the very characteristic of agriculture i.e.,
                   dependence on nature. The Pradhan Mantri
                                                              contributed to a 32% growth in the non-life insurance sector
                   Fasal Bima Yogana (PMFBY), a government
         sponsored crop insurance scheme, is expected to run into a  in 2017. Since then, this class of business has lost its luster
                                                              because of losses. The problem of small farmer livelihood is
         cool reception from insurers after the national reinsurer GIC  aggravated due to the fact that small farmers suffer from
         Re decided not to reinsure more than 45% of any insurer's  many production risks like drought, flood, lack of adequate
         crop insurance business. This in effect would mean insurers  use of inputs, poor extension leading to large yield gaps, lack
         would have to bear the risk of crop failure due to drought  of assured and adequate irrigation, crop failure and so on.
         or heavy rains. Two major insurers, New India Assurance and
         ICICI Lombard, have decided not to provide crop coverage  The production risk coverage which was being attempted
         this year.                                           through crop insurance has not worked well and now has
                                                              been made voluntary for farmers which would further
         This decision is also because of the removal of the  reduce the insured area from already inadequate coverage
         compulsory clause by the government, leading insurers to  of 30%. There are number of factors that affect the returns
         feel that farmers genuinely in need of coverage will stay  from farming, many of which are beyond the control of
         away from the scheme. Insurers say, there have been  farmers. Occurrence of drought, flood, untimely rainfall,
                                                              hailstorm etc. is only a few among the long list of factors
                                About the author              that affect the returns from farming directly. The increase
                                                              in the probability of occurrence of such extreme climatic
                         Jagendra Kumar                       events has worsened the status of farmers, who are at the
                         Ex. CEO,                             receiving end. The occurrence of such untoward climatic
                         Pearl Insurance Brokers              incidents has become very normal, in recent years, as a
                         Jaipur                               consequence of global climate change.

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