Page 39 - Insurance Times September 2021
P. 39

the states paid Rs 27,075 crore as premium subsidy. It is time  land will be completely prohibited. Insurers used to complain
         the government launched a comprehensive evaluation of  of the high claim ratio under the crop insurance scheme in
         the scheme which should be concurrent with this year's  the initial years after its 2016 launch; now, state after state
         kharif and rabi crops. This can enable the Centre and the  is quitting the scheme, as they find it difficult to foot the
         states to decide the way forward.                    rising premium bill. A perceived tendency among insurers
                                                              to admit less of farmers' claims and the delays in settlement
         Recently, the government took a good decision to engage  of claims also seem to have prompted some states to
         12 organizations to conduct pilot studies in kharif and rabi  develop cold feet about the government's flagship scheme,
         2019-20 for gram panchayat level crop yield estimation  Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY).
         using remote sensing, artificial intelligence based softwares,
         drones, mobile applications and other technologies.  The states' share of premium jumped to 44% in FY20 from
         International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI),  41% in FY17 under the PMFBY and Weather Based Crop
         International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid  Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) while the Centre's share
         Tropics (ICRISAT), Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics  increased to 42% from 40% during this period. The claims
         and Trinity League India are among those who have    to premium ratio, which was over 90% in two previous
         submitted detailed technical reports to MNCFC. These  consecutive seasons, dropped to a low of 65% during kharif
         reports suggest that accuracy up to 85-90% can be achieved  2019 (as on June 30, 2020), even though there was 52%
         in assessment of crop yield for rice & wheat.        above normal monsoon rains in September last year that
                                                              deluged about 6% (nearly 64 lakh hectare) of the season's
         This can reduce dependence on crop cutting experiments.  sown area. Under PMFBY, farmers' premium is fixed at 1.5%
         There is a need to integrate use of technology for assessment  of sum insured for rabi crops and 2% for kharif while it is 5%
         of yield. This can shorten the time taken by CCEs which has  for cash crops. The balance premium is split equally between
         been a major cause of delay in settlement of claims. . This  the Centre and states.
         year, the State government may have to shell out up to
         Rs.150 crore so that farmers are not taxed in any way. Till
         now, after giving allowance for farmers' share of 2%
         generally, the Union and State governments shared the
         premium amount equally. The sharp decline in claims to
         premium ratio in kharif 2019 season also indicates
         reluctance of the insurers to accept the farmers' claims.

                                                              Crop Insurance in USA:
                                                              Crop insurance helps make America's farmers and ranchers
                                                              world leaders in agriculture, allowing them to stay
                                                              competitive and be more innovative. It also helps them
                                                              sleep better at night knowing that, should the unexpected
                                                              happen, they will have the financial security to stay in
                                                              business and go on to plant the next season. Crop insurance
                                                              is a key component to the tremendous success of country's
         Rising cost of Crop Insurance:                       agricultural economy.  Here are twelve reasons why crop
                                                              insurance is an essential business tool for America's
         In many states, affluent farmers have already been reaping
         the benefits of collaboration with the corporate sector. This  agricultural farmers and ranchers.
         law will help small farmers derive similar gains. They will  1. Farmers Receive Individualized Risk Management
         have the freedom to withdraw from this agreement at any  Solutions
         point without penalty, while sale, lease and mortgage of the  2. Farmers Can Use Crop Insurance as Collateral for Loans

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