Page 43 - Insurance Times September 2021
P. 43

A Mediclaim policy provides for reimbursement of     Through actuarial analysis, an estimate of the risk associated
         Hospitalisation/Domiciliary hospitalisation expenses for  with providing health coverage to that person is determined
         illness/disease suffered or accidental injury sustained during  and priced.
         the policy period. The liability in respects of all claims admitted
         during the period of insurance shall not exceed the sum insured  Actuarial components in Health Insurance
         for the person as mentioned in the schedule/policy.
                                                              Y  Sickness/Morbidity rates
         The company will pay through TPA named in the schedule of  Y  Claim costs
         the policy to the hospital/nursing home or the insured person  Y  Administrative costs
         reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in respect of
                                                              Y  Others (Profit, Solvency)
         medical/surgical treatment. At present in India 24 TPA's are
                                                              Main job of an underwriter is to identify pre-existing conditions
                                                              that add risk for the insurance companies.
         Reimbursement is allowed only when treatment is taken in a
         hospital or nursing home which satisfies the certain specified  Moreover, for health insurance underwriting point of view,
         rules in the policy.
                                                              technology can be used to identify customers availing
                                                              treatment for various ailments in line with their adherence
         Relevant medical expenses incurred during period up to 30
                                                              to treatment protocol, Realtime sugar/Blood pressure
         days prior to and period of 60 days after hospitalisation are
                                                              monitoring and for fitness addicts in line with their level of
         treated as part of the claim.
                                                              physical activity and endurance.
         To be able to assess a particular risk the insurer needs to
         identify from the proposal form medical conditions which are  The effective application of new underwriting technology and
         likely to affect the present health of the propose and the  analysis of data would enable to better understand
         implications in future.                              customer's needs preferences and behaviours. Charging of
                                                              premium accordingly with the individual's needs and risk
         In insurance sector, we usually talk about prudent   proposal would be another step towards prudent underwriting
         underwriting means identification of good risk and bad risk  of health insurance.
         for the rating purpose as well as acceptance or denial of risk/
         proposal.                                            Thus, analytical models and stimulators will allow
                                                              underwriters to understand risk cover and pricing interlinks
         Bad risk should be loaded, and good risk must be discounted  and eventually more and more risk base pricing model.
         as well as bad risk to be denied or good risk to be accepted.  Nowadays, many insurance companies are deploying
         So, in particular health insurance underwriting involves  analytical system to identify risk factors combined with
         researching the medical history of a propose for insurance in  artificial intelligence.
         order to identify risk factors and fixing the price (premium)
         accordingly.                                         This will certainly help in going faster and accurate in decision
                                                              making at every point of customer journey from 'Point of
         So, medical underwriting for high risk proposer may lead to  sale' to 'claim settlement'. It will also help in product
         exclusion of certain coverages for certain conditions/denial  development as per need of customers.
         of covering altogether or coverage offered only at a very
         high price. Even in such cases, co-payment condition is also  Underwriting philosophy of Health insurance for any
         implemented for certain conditions.                  Insurance company would be to achieve growth with profit,
                                                              so price should have a margin to take care of following over
         Prudent health insurance underwriting includes:      and above the pure risk premium arrived at by analysis of ICR
         1. Thorough medical history examination              (Incurred Claim Ratio):-
                                                              1. Procurement cost
         2. Demographic profile
                                                              2. Medical Inflation
         3. Lifestyle
                                                              3. Expense of management
         4. Other factors like age, family medical history, occupation
             etc.                                             4. Catastrophe reserve

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