Page 41 - Insurance Times September 2021
P. 41



         IN HEALTH


         H        ealth is a state of complete physical, mental, and  Y  Corporate hospital culture is adding cost of treatment.

                  social well-being and not merely the absence of
                                                                 Modern medical science has reached at the stage where
                  disease or immunity. Good health is an essential
                  requirement for the enjoyment of most aspects of  virtual Autopsy is the talk of the day, where no cuts
                                                                 needed to do post-mortem and images can be analysed
                                                                 by forensic experts. This will certainly help in medico-
                                                                 legal cases.
         In this new millennium where: -
         Y   Health is greater risk than death.               Health insurance is the only answer to the above
         Y   Patterns and type of diseases are changing.      which will: -
         Y   Mortality is decreasing and morbidity is increasing.  Y  Provide financial help for availing the benefits of this
         Y   Need for healthcare is not only for bread earner but is  advance technology in medical science.
             equally important to other family members.
                                                              Y  Protect the patient and family against financial disaster
         Y   Medical technology developed quite fast during last few  due to treatment.
                                                              Y  Protect against the unexpected risk of illness and medical
         Y   Technological upgradation in medicine and other field  care.
             has raised the cost of medical care.
                                                              Y  Make mode of payment for healthcare simplified as
                        About the author                         insured will pay premium to insurer who in turn will take
                                                                 care of hospitalisation expenses including other medical
           Dr G M Garg                                           care expense.
           (ex DGM UIIC), Vice president                      Y  Eliminate sickness as a cause of poverty because sickness
           Vipul Medcorp Insurance TPA Private Ltd               increases loss of earnings and cost of medical care thereby
                                                                 increasing poverty.
                                                                     The Insurance Times, September 2021 41
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