Page 22 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 22


              IDFC FIRST Bank Launches FIRSTAP, Country's First Sticker-based

                                                     Debit Card

                                 IDFC FIRST Bank has launched  said, “The launch of Sticker-based Debit Card is in line with
                                 FIRSTAP,  the  country’s  first  the Bank’s customer-centric  philosophy. The number of
                                 sticker-based  debit  card,  in  transactions being carried out via contactless cards are
                                 association  with  National  growing fast. As a customer-first bank, we are committed
                                 Payments Corporation of India  to  using  contactless technology for frictionless digital
                                 (NPCI),    to     facilitate  transactions.  With  Sticker  as  the  form  factor  in  the
                                 transactions by simply tapping  wearable category, the debit card is convenient to carry
                                                              around and enables fast check-out. There are multiple use
                                 the  sticker  on  a  Near  Field
                                                              cases for this form factor and we are very confident of the
                                 Communication (NFC) enabled
                                 point-of-sale terminal.
                                                              Rajeeth  Pillai,  Chief  Relationship  Management  and
                                 The sticker-based Debit Card is
                                                              Marketing, NPCI said,  “We  are  delighted to launch the
                                 one third the size of a regular
                                                              country’s  first  Sticker-based  Debit  Card  on  RuPay  in
          debit card, thus making the sticker applicable on a wide
                                                              partnership with IDFC  FIRST Bank. This new  innovative
          range of devices and objects, and significantly enhancing
                                                              offering is an ode to the go-getter, the spirited individuals
          customer convenience.  Customers can affix the Sticker-
                                                              who are always on the go. RuPay ON-THE-GO is redefining
          based Debit Card on any surface of their choice, such as
                                                              the  contactless  payments  space  with  its  agility  and
          cell phones, identity cards, wallets, tabs, airpod cases, etc.
                                                              convenience of  tap &  go. With this new form factor, it
          The object can be used to tap and pay, thus doing away
                                                              seamlessly integrates into the consumers' lifestyle as well as
          with the need to carry a Debit Card or adapting to wearable
                                                              makes it a contemporary choice for modern Indians. At NPCI,
          devices such as watches and rings or entering a UPI PIN
                                                              we emphasise working with ecosystem partners to bring
          after scanning a QR code.
                                                              innovative solutions to any existing latent demand. We are
          The touch-free way to pay enables payments in seconds for  focused on our endeavour of building new, innovative and
          transactions  up to  Rs.  5,000  without  a  PIN, and those  beneficial products and services for our end-users.”
          beyond that, with a tap and PIN.
                                                              This  IDFC  FIRST Bank Sticker  debit  card comes  with  a
          Speaking on the occasion of the launch, Sumit Madan, Head  complimentary  personal  accidental  cover  and  24/7
          - Retail Liabilities and Branch Banking, IDFC FIRST Bank,  concierge services with a host of RuPay offers.
                India Exim Bank inks pact with RXIL Global to finance export
                        receivables through GIFT City-based ITFS platform

          Export-Import Bank of India (India Exim Bank) has signed a Master Agreement with RXIL Global IFSC Ltd. (RXIL Global),
          a subsidiary of Receivables Exchange of India Limited (RXIL), to finance exports receivables through the ITFS platform
          situated in GIFT City in Gandhinagar, Gujarat on November 28, 2022.  The agreement was signed by Mr. N Ramesh,
          Deputy Managing Director of India Exim Bank and Mr. Ketan Gaikwad, Managing Director & CEO, of RXIL.  ITFS is an
          initiative of the Government of India to build an electronic platform for facilitating trade financing for exporters and
          importers by providing access to multiple financiers. This platform shall play an important role in arranging credit for
          exporters & importers from global institutions through amongst others, Factoring and other trade financing services at
          a competitive cost.
          With the signing of this Agreement, India Exim Bank will be able to offer Factoring and other trade finance products to
          Indian companies, with an enhanced reach to MSMEs.  India Exim Bank will also participate in sandbox transactions of
          the RXIL’s platform. On this occasion, Ketan Gaikwad, MD & CEO of RXIL said, “India Exim Bank is a premier institution
          and has played a key role in promoting and financing India’s exports. India Exim Bank partnering with RXIL Global is a
          welcome step and will certainly help in shaping ITFS platform for export credit to Indian cross border trade.”

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