Page 47 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 47


          Planning: How

          insurance can

          contribute towards

          building a robust                                                       Chief Distributor Officer (CDO) for
                                                                                                Piyush Trivedi

                                                                                                Partner Channels
          retirement fund                                                           Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance

           "Retirement phase of our life is a milestone where we bid adieu to a traditional work routine and
           set out to begin a new chapter. It’s a wonderful phase where we seek to fulfil many of our dreams
           and aspirations that may have been on hold during the working years."

         R       etirement phase of our life is a milestone where  to pursue their passion and accomplish many unfulfilled
                 we bid adieu to a traditional work routine and set
                 out to begin a new chapter. It’s a wonderful phase
          where we seek to fulfil many of our dreams and aspirations Taking charge of medical bills –
          that may have been on hold during the working years. Be it  Health expenses are undeniable and this is one area that
          travelling, volunteering, learning a new skill, pursuing a long  has to be primarily focused upon, especially during the
          cherished hobby or spending time with friends and family,  retirement phase. Along with that, the inflation factor
          retirement provides an opportunity to create a fulfilling  cannot be ignored as well.
          existence beyond a regimented work life.
                                                              An income source to last a lifetime –
          Culturally, retirement planning was never on top of the list  With a comprehensive financial retirement plan, it is easy
          for us, Indians, but study has shown that over the years the  to tide over apprehensions of exhausting the corpus that
          focus has shifted and now it ranks 6th, among the top financial  may have been built during the work years.
          priorities of today’s working population – 35 to 50 years.
                                                              Becoming self-reliant financially –
          A few of the reasons why retirement
                                                              With the retirement fund in place, the vulnerability factor
          planning  has  become  so  important                will erode with no financial dependency, be it on the
          today:                                              children, family members or friends.

          An enriching retired life –                         Increased life expectancy –
          Retirement isn’t considered a dull phase of life with nothing  A study conducted by a prominent media channel has shown
          interesting to look forward to. People take on life’s second  that there has been a 100% increase in life expectancy in
          innings with renewed zest and consider it as an opportunity  India since 1947. This, along with collapsing traditional family

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