Page 51 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 51


                                                                   New Product


          PhonePe launches pre-approved term                  PhonePe, based on the underwriting principles of its
                                                              insurance partners, identifies a user base for whom the pre-
          life insurance
                                                              approved term insurance process can be enabled. The
          PhonePe, announced the launch of a ‘pre-approved term life  company has worked on these indicators collaboratively with
          insurance’ feature on its platform. The feature aims to make
                                                              the insurance providers to empower users while complying
          insurance coverage more accessible and affordable for  with underwriting principles set by the regulators.
          millions of Indians by waiving the requirement for proof of
          income at the time of policy purchase. With this launch,
          PhonePe ushers a new era of financial inclusion in India by  Zuno General Insurance Launches Usage
          making insurance products inclusive with  the added  Based  Insurance  Policy  For  Motor
          advantage of quick and convenient access to life insurance
          coverage, without requiring extensive income verification.  Vehicles In India
                                                              General Insurance company Zuno (Formerly known as
          The company has partnered with leading insurers to enable
                                                              Edelweiss) announced the launch of new add-on offering for
          this feature on its platform. This partnership also supports
          insurance providers to now serve more users, specifically  their motor insurance products during a press event in
          over 30 million individuals, who previously could not avail  Mumbai today. The new feature termed as Pay How You
          term insurance due to the lack of income proof. Millions of  Drive (PHYD) allows user to assess their driving skills and
          PhonePe  users  including  merchants,  self-employed  generate a point-based score (Zuno Driving Quotient or ZDQ)
          individuals, gig workers and many more user groups who  for every drive undertaken by the user. This score helps Zuno
          don't have a formal proof of salary or income, can now avail  determine the quality of driving behaviour by the user and
          term insurance products seamlessly on the PhonePe   entitle them for up to 30% discounts on insurance premium,
          platform. Infact, the company is focused on scaling up this  which can be availed at the time of annual insurance
          offer tremendously and expanding its reach to make it  renewal.
          accessible for up to 50 million users by later this year.
                                                              The user driving behaviour will be analysed based on trip
          Commenting on the launch, Vishal Gupta, CEO at PhonePe  data collected though mobile telematics embedded in the
          Insurance Broking Services, said, “We are excited to  Zuno app and its consistent usage is likely to fetch additional
          announce the launch of the ‘pre-approved sum assured  benefits including safer driving practices amongst the users.
          (PASA)’ feature on our platform. This launch is aimed at  As per the company, drive-related data would be collected
          bringing the previously under-served customers into the  anonymously, masking user identity and the scores shall get
          term life insurance net by making the products more
                                                              calculated in the background using an automated digital
          accessible and affordable to Indians across various socio-  process and assigned to the unique user id thereafter.
          economic strata. By partnering with industry leaders and
          collaborating with them deeply we are able to simplify user  A Usage Based Insurance (UBI) policy is still a new concept
          experience and deliver tailor-made offerings that are  in the country. “This will give customers a greater control
          industry leading and solving for specific cohorts in an  over their insurance pricing, personalizing it which will be a
          inclusive manner. Our mission is to drive insurance adoption  departure from current pricing approach.”, said Ms Shanai
          in the country by making the insurance buying process  Ghosh, MD & CEO Zuno General Insurance during the
          simple, easy and affordable for all.”               launch event.

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