Page 53 - The Insurance Times September 2024
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owners are unable to renew their insurance policies with-  but the insurance company rejected his claim. He reapplied
          out an updated PUC certificate. This situation leaves many  on June 2, 2019, including doctors' opinions that hospital
          without compensation claims in case of road accidents.  admission was necessary.
          Mehta explained that PUC certificates are valid for six  Despite two insurance company employees visiting the hos-
          months, whereas insurance policies typically need to be  pital and reviewing records, the company maintained that
          renewed annually. This discrepancy has caused practical  his treatment could be managed on an outpatient basis and
          challenges for vehicle owners and insurers alike.   denied cashless treatment. Singh was discharged on June
                                                              9, 2019, and due to financial constraints, borrowed money
          Responding to these concerns, the Supreme Court has now
          recalled its 2017 order. This means that a valid PUC certifi-  from siblings to cover the bills. He applied for reimburse-
          cate is no longer mandatory for the renewal of third-party  ment on June 22, 2019, submitted original bills on Septem-
                                                              ber 2, 2019, but his claim was again rejected in December
          insurance policies. However, it's important to note that
                                                              without a specified reason.
          under the Motor Vehicles Act, possessing a valid PUC cer-
          tificate remains compulsory for driving any vehicle in India.  The insurance company argued that hospitalisation was un-

          While this new order provides relief to many vehicle own-  necessary and the claim was non-payable. However, the
                                                              commission upheld the treating doctor's opinion, empha-
          ers and addresses the practical difficulties highlighted by the
                                                              sizing the urgency of Singh's admission and the potential
          GIC, it does not negate the legal requirement of having a
          PUC certificate while driving. Vehicle owners must ensure  for severe health repercussions if untreated. The commis-
          they carry a valid PUC certificate at all times, as mandated  sion concluded that Singh's condition warranted hospital
                                                              care and criticized the company's decision.
          by law, even though it is no longer a prerequisite for re-
          newing their insurance policies.                    This ruling reinforces the importance of insurance compa-
          This decision marks a significant shift in the regulatory land-  nies honoring legitimate claims and provides a reminder of
          scape, balancing the need for environmental protection  the consumer's right to fair treatment.
          with practical considerations for vehicle insurance renew-
          als.                                                Diabetes as a Lifestyle Disease: Insur-

                                                              ance Claim Cannot Be Rejected
          Denying Medical Claim Costs Insurance
                                                              The state consumer commission ruled against Oriental In-
          Firm Dearly                                         surance Co Ltd (OICL) for rejecting a mediclaim based on

          The district consumer disputes redressal commission has pe-  non-disclosure of pre-existing conditions, including diabetes
          nalized United India Insurance Company for unjustly deny-  mellitus (DM) and coronary artery disease. The commission
          ing the medical claim of Kulwinder Singh, a resident of  upheld the complainant's argument, referencing a national
          Goslan village, Samrala. The commission ordered the insur-  consumer commission decision that deemed diabetes a
          ance company to pay Rs.79,606, covering hospital bills, with  lifestyle disease, too prevalent to justify denying an insur-
          an 8% annual interest rate and an additional composite fee  ance claim entirely.
          of Rs. 20,000 to Singh.                             Anshul Garg purchased a Rs 2 lakh mediclaim policy in 2013.
          Kulwinder Singh approached the commission on June 28,  In 2014, his father underwent cardiac surgery costing Rs 5
          2021, regarding a cashless treatment insurance policy pur-  lakh. Garg's claim was denied by OICL, leading him to ap-
          chased through PolicyBazaar. The policy, valid from June 27,  proach the consumer court. The district consumer commis-
          2018, to June 26, 2019, insured him for Rs.1 lakh at a pre-  sion ruled in favor of Garg, ordering OICL to pay Rs 2 lakh
          mium of Rs.2,006.                                   plus interest and litigation expenses. OICL appealed the
          On May 31, 2019, Singh experienced severe stomach pain
          and consulted a local physician, who prescribed medication.  The state commission found no credible evidence from OICL
          As his condition worsened, he was admitted to Dayanand  to support their claim of concealment of pre-existing illness.
          Medical College and Hospital (DMCH), where he was   The commission noted that OICL failed to prove that Garg's
          treated for acute pancreatic disease, loose motion, and  father had diabetes for 15 years, which allegedly caused
          fever. Singh applied for cashless treatment on June 1, 2019,  the coronary artery blockage.

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