Page 52 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 52


         NCDRC Holds United Insurance Liable For              not be the cause of the damage. The insurer claimed there
                                                              was no deficiency in their service and that the claim denial
         Deficiency in Service Due To Wrongful                was correct.
         Repudiation Of  Insurance Claim                      The National Commission observed that the surveyor disre-
         The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission,  garded the complainant company's evidence regarding the
         presided by Dr. Sadhna Shanker in an appeal filed by  damage to the goods. Although it was clear that the cold
         Ramdev Masala held United India Insurance liable for defi-  storage building was extensively damaged by lightning and
         ciency in service due to wrongful repudiation of the insur-  there was also rain, the surveyor's rejection of this evidence
         ance claim.                                          and his finding that the damage was due to morning rain
         The complainant company, Ramdev Masala had an insur-  rather than lightning lacked solid evidence. As a result, the
         ance policy for Rs. 20,00,000 from United Insurance/ Insurer  National Commission overruled the State Commission's or-
         through a bank. During the policy period, the stock suffered  der and allowed the appeal. The Commission directed the
         heavy damage due to atmospheric lightning and flooding.  insurer was directed to pay Rs. 17,57,930 with interest at
         The complainant informed the insurer, initially attributing  9% per annum.
         the damage to a flood but later learnt from the cold stor-
         age owner that atmospheric lightning was the cause The  Supreme Court Eases Pollution Certifi-
         insurer repudiated the claim, stating that the policy did not  cate Mandate for Vehicle Insurance Re-
         cover flood damage. At the complainant's request, the in-  newal
         surer appointed a surveyor who assessed the loss at Rs.
         17,57,930 but doubted the lightning damage claim. Ag-  In a significant move, the Supreme Court has revised its own
         grieved by this, the complainant filed a complaint before  directive from 2017 that mandated a valid Pollution Under
         the State Commission of Gujrat, which dismissed the com-  Control (PUC) certificate for the renewal of third-party ve-
         plaint. Consequently, the complainant appealed before the  hicle insurance policies. This change comes after the Gen-
         National Commission.                                 eral Insurance Council (GIC) highlighted several issues re-
                                                              sulting from the 2017 order.
         The insurer argued that, according to exclusion clause h(ii)
         of the policy, losses caused by atmospheric disturbances like  In 2017, the Supreme Court had enforced a regulation based
         storms, floods, and inundations are not covered. Therefore,  on recommendations from the Environment Pollution (Pre-
         the complainant's damage was excluded from coverage. It  vention and Control) Authority. The directive was aimed at
         was further contended that there was no proof of atmo-  reducing pollution levels, particularly in Delhi, by ensuring
         spheric lightning causing the damage and that the com-  that vehicles without a valid PUC certificate could not be
         plainant had admitted in correspondence that the loss was  insured.
         due to flooding. It was also argued that the surveyor's re-  The GIC, represented by Solicitor General Tushar Mehta,
         port could not be relied upon, as the surveyor had admit-  presented multiple concerns regarding the implementation
         ted that the policy covered flood risks. Additionally, since  of this directive. One major issue was that around 55 per-
         the flooding occurred before the reported lightning, it could  cent of vehicles in India are uninsured, primarily because

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