Page 25 - Banking Finance April 2018
P. 25


          Private bank officials            Passport details may be made mandatory for big loans
          summoned in PNB fraud                                      Passport details of borrowers taking loans of Rs 50
                                                                     crore and more may be made mandatory to en-
          case                                                       sure a swift action in case of fraud and prevent
                                                                     fraudsters from fleeing the country, a top official
                                                                     said. Passport details will help banks to take timely
                                                                     action and inform the relevant authorities to pre-
                                                                     vent fraudsters from fleeing the country.

                                            Jeweller charged with Rs. 390 crore bank fraud
                                            Oriental Bank of Commerce's loans to Delhi Jeweller Dwarka Das Seth Interna-
                                            tional and its owner Sabhya Seth turned non-perform-
          Top executives of private sector bank  ing asset (NPA) in 2014 but the bank approached the
          ICICI Bank Ltd and Axis Bank Ltd ap-  CBI only on August 16, 2017 - after the company had
          peared before the Serious Fraud In-  folded up and Seth fled the country, according to the
          vestigation Office (SFIO) as investiga-  bank's complaint to the CBI. The bank has accused the
          tive agencies expanded their probe  the company and its owner of defaulting on loans
          into the alleged bank fraud by com-  amounting to Rs 389.85 crore. The CBI registered an
          panies linked to Nirav Modi and his  FIR, six months after the complaint. The OBC alleges that Dwarka Das Seth
          uncle Mehul Choksi.               International took loans by way of letters of credit and other such credit facili-
                                            ties for gold and diamond jewellery export/import between 2007 and 2012 but
          SFIO and Enforcement Directorate
          (ED) are investigating 31 private and  failed to repay.
          PSU banks that in a consortium gave  Passport info must for Public sector banks loans over
          working capital loans worth Rs.5,280
          crore to Choksi-controlled Gitanjali  Rs. 50 crore
          Gems Ltd starting 2009.           The government has asked PSB's to build a database of borrowers with loans of
          This is in addition to the Rs.12,636  over Rs 50 crore as it mandated PSU lenders to collect their passport details in
          crore Punjab National Bank (PNB)  a bid to stop escape from the country in case of a default. "PSBs to collect pass-
          fraud investigation, which involved  port details of all new borrowers of loans above Rs 50 crore. Loan application
          fake letters of undertaking.      forms to be suitably modified," Rajeev Kumar, secretary, department of finan-
                                            cial services, said.
          ICICI Bank Ltd has an exposure of
          Rs.750 crore to the Gitanjali group  Punjab National Bank may be given one year to make
          of companies and Rs.500 crore to
          Gitanjali Gems. PNB has an exposure  provisions for fraud
          of Rs.900-1,000 crore, the highest  Reserve Bank of India may provide 1 year to Punjab National Bank for making
          among the lenders.                provisions against the country's biggest ever banking fraud of Rs.12,636 crore
                                            by Nirav Modi. The bank has written a letter to RBI seeking its opinion on mak-
          SFIO, the investigative agency under
                                            ing provisions for the PNB fraud, sources said.
          the ministry of corporate affairs
          (MCA), summoned Chanda Kochhar,   RBI initiates special audit of PSU banks
          managing director and chief execu-  Reserve Bank of India has initiated special audit of PSU lenders with focus on
          tive officer of ICICI Bank, and Axis
                                                           trade financing activities, especially relating to issuance of let-
          Bank CEO Shikha Sharma, to seek in-
                                                           ters of undertaking (LoUs) by them, banking officials said. In
          formation on the working capital                 addition, the RBI has asked all banks for details of the LoUs
          loan given by the consortium of bank-            they had written, including the amounts outstanding, and
          ers to Gitanjali Gems, an MCA offi-  whether the banks had pre-approved credit limits or kept enough cash on mar-
          cial said.
                                            gin before issuing the guarantees.

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                                APRIL | 2018 | 25
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