Page 30 - Banking Finance April 2018
P. 30



         CRIME AND



         Introduction:                                        Cyber risks represent the possibility that technologies,
                                                              processes and practices at the bank can be circumvented,
         Bank's prime duty is to keep the customer information
                                                              allowing unauthorized users to modify and/or delete key
         confidential and safe. Use of internet, digitization and
                                                              applications and information, which will affect the accuracy
         virtualization has increased the cyber risk.Reserve bank of
                                                              or integrity of processing.  Access   or   extract   protected
         India has come out with circular on customer protection,
                                                              or sensitive information (e.g., Intellectual property- IP,
         limiting Liability of customers in Unauthorized Electronic
                                                              Proprietary Information, Credit Card   Information, Personal
         Banking Transactions.
                                                              identifiable information), Disrupt computer controlled
                                                              operations or access to online systems in prospect of cyber
         Cyber crime can be monetary or non-monetary. Cyber crime
                                                              crime means theft of identity, data.Cyber threats are
         is an offence committed to harm the reputation, financials
         or bother mentally against individuals or groups or nations  exploited by Unsophisticated attackers, Sophisticated
                                                              attackers, Organized crime, State sponsored attacks,
         using networks. Cyber crime is a criminal activity using
                                                              Organized crime, etc.
         computer and network.
                        About the author                      Emerging Trends of Cyber crime and its impact: Cyber
                                                              security requires more attention in financial sector. Now the
                                                              technology support is omnipresent, so the Infrastructure
                          Prabhat Singh Suman                 that support must be sophisticated. Technology is adopted
                          Union Bank of India                 by banks for end to end financial transactions. Now financial
                          Chief Manager (Faculty)             transactions are processed on real time basis without
                          STC Bhubaneshwar                    human intervention. Users demanding faster, efficient,
                                                              easier and safe /secure way of transactions.

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