Page 27 - Banking Finance April 2018
P. 27


           The Economic Times successfully concludes first edition of NBFC &

                                                MFI Summit 2018

         The Economic Times NBFC & Micro Finance summit held  The discussion on 'Financial Disruption: Laying digital
         today at The Lalit Mumbai saw industry doyens        footprints to drive financial inclusion' sawSuresh A
         deliberateon growing significance of NBFCs & MFIs in the  Shanmugam, National Head of BITS & CTO, Mahindra &
         industry. The summit highlighted the role of NBFCs in  Mahindra Financial servicestouch upon the usage of
         promoting India's economic growth. It also analyzedthe  digitalization. He said,"The audience wants something that
         opportunities, challenges and problems faced by this sector  is engaging enough for a lifetime and hence, using asmuch
         and the way forward.                                 as information available will lead to arise in the use of digital
                                                              platforms. With the help of these digital platforms, the rural
         Commencingthe conference with his opening
                                                              sector will find something reliable enough for them to trust
         remarks,Raman Agrawal, Chairman, FIDC & Senior VP    in".  Voicing his opinion,Punit Jain, CEO, Nelito, said, "Agility
         Corporate Affairs, SREI, stated that the flow of non-bank
                                                              is very important as it sets the banks apart. Banks function
         resources to the corporate sector, which includes bond
                                                              slower as compared to the NBFCs, which is why agility is
         market borrowing and lending by NBFCs,has increased by  important.
         43% from April 2017 to December 2017. According to RBI
         Financial Stability Report Dec 2017, NBFCs were the largest  Technological advancements like the use of mobile phones
         net borrowers of funds from the financialsystem, hence  & the internet can help in making information easily
         there are huge growth opportunities.                 accessible anytime anywhere. Hence reducing the demand
                                                              & reliance on bank branches". Sanjay Sharma, Managing
         In a panel discussion held on the role of Financial  Director, Aye Finance, stated that modern methods
         Inclusion,George Alexander Muthoot, MD, Muthoot
                                                              overcome key challenges that had overwhelmed
         Finance, said, "We are looking at using customer's credit
                                                              conventional lending. Providing further insights, Satrajit
         score to give them unsecured loans as most of the gold
                                                              Saha, CBO, TransUnion CIBIL, said, "Digitalization gives us
         customers do not have home of their own. Considering the
                                                              the ability to present multiple choices and reach the larger
         power that technology holds, we are constantly trying to
                                                              audience at quicker pace. This will indirectly give rise to
         use and evolve technology in a way that is beneficial and
                                                              larger NBFCs."
         creates hassle-free experience formost customers." GovindS
         ankaranarayan, Head- Strategy, Tata Capital, said,   On his views on regulations, its evolution and prospective
         "Combination of partnership & database helps in increasing  changes,Rakesh Singh, CEO, Aditya Birla Finance, said,
         penetration of financial inclusion. To reach large numbers  "NBFCs and MFIs must have a last resort of borrowing like
         of customers successfully& minimize risk we have partnered  the banking sector. Manish Jaiswal, MD & CEO, Magma
         with various governments to use their database and identify  Housing Finance said,"NBFCs& MFIs are the largest
         customer worthiness. Thus lending has been productive."  propellants of ushering finance into the country".

         Talking about the event, Deepak Lamba, President - Times  The summit was a momentous event for networking
         Strategic Solutions, said "The summit was initiated to  with like-minded people from the sector, which
         highlight the growth, success, challenges and other  concluded with useful inputs like technology is not only
         concerns of the industry through interactive panel   at the head of banking and financial services, but also
         discussions, keynotes and un-conferencing sessions. We are  an increasingly digitalized India has underpinned the
         grateful to the legends from the finance industry that  rise of NBFCs. Another major advantage of NBFCs is
         gathered here today for the larger good of the financial  their ground level understanding of their customers
         community by sharing inputs on factors affecting the rapid  profile and their credit needs, which gives them an edge,
         growth and upcoming opportunities within the NBFC & MFI  as their ability to customize their products according to
         space."                                              client needs.

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