Page 50 - Banking Finance April 2018
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         3. The first set of returns should be filed with effect from  Discontinuance of Letters of Undertaking
             the: (i) last Friday of December 2017 for the weekly  (LoUs) and Letters of Comfort (LoCs) for
             return; (ii) quarter ended - December 31, 2017 for the
             quarterly returns; (iii) half-year ending March 31, 2018 Trade Credits
             for the half-yearly returns; and (iv) year ending March
             31, 2018 for the annual returns. All weekly, quarterly
             returns upto December 31, 2017 shall be submitted by  A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 20
             April 15, 2018. Thereafter, these returns shall be
                                                              1. Attention of Authorised Dealer Category - I (AD
             submitted within the timeline stipulated in the Master
             Direction on returns to be submitted by NBFCs.      Category - I) banks is invited to paragraph 2 of A.P. (DIR
                                                                 Series) Circular No. 24 dated November 1, 2004
                                                                 andparagraph No. 5.5 of Master Direction No.5 dated
         Yours faithfully,
                                                                 January 1, 2016 on 'External Commercial Borrowings,
         (Dr. Sathyan David)                                     Trade Credit, Borrowing and Lending in Foreign
         Chief General Manager                                   Currency by Authorised Dealers and Persons other than
                                                                 Authorised Dealers' (Master Direction), as amended
         Agency commission payable to banks for                  from time to time, on the issuance of LoUs/ LoCs/

         operating Special Deposit Scheme (SDS)                  guarantees for Trade Credits for imports into India
                                                                 under delegated powers of AD banks.
         RBI/2017-18/140                                      2. On a review of the extant guidelines, it has been

         DGBA.GBD.2294/15.01.001/2017-18                         decided to discontinue the practice of issuance of LoUs/
                                                                 LoCs for Trade Credits for imports into India by AD
         1. Please refer to para 2 of our Master Circular RBI/2017-  Category -I banks with immediate effect. Letters of
             18/2 dated July 1, 2017 on Conduct of Government    Credit and Bank Guarantees for Trade Credits for
             Business by Agency Banks- Payment of Agency         imports into India may continue to be issued subject to
                                                                 compliance with the provisions contained in
             Commission where in it is mentioned that SDS
                                                                 Department of Banking Regulation Master Circular No.
             transactions undertaken by agency banks are eligible
             for agency commission.                              DBR. No. Dir. BC.11/13.03.00/2015-16 dated July 1,
                                                                 2015 on "Guarantees and Co-acceptances", as
         2. In this connection, it has been decided that agency  amended from time to time.
             commission claims on SDS related transactions (where
                                                              3. AD Category-I banks may bring the contents of this
             mirror accounts are maintained in RBI) will be settled  circular to the notice of their constituents and
             at Central Accounts Section (CAS), Nagpur and not in
             respective Regional Offices of RBI, with immediate
                                                              4. The aforesaid Master Direction No. 5 dated January 01,
             effect. Accordingly, all agency banks handling SDS are
                                                                 2016 will be updated to reflect the changes. The
             advised to submit their agency commission claims
                                                                 changes will be applicable from the date of issuance of
             related to SDS transactions to CAS, Nagpur on quarterly
                                                                 this circular.
                                                              5. The directions contained in this circular have been
         3. However, agency banks will continue to claim
                                                                 issued under sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign
             reimbursement of interest paid and withdrawal from
                                                                 Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999) and are
             SDS accounts from the respective Regional Offices of  without prejudice to permissions/ approvals, if any,
             RBI in which the mirror accounts are maintained.    required under any other law.
         Yours faithfully                                     Yours faithfully
         (Partha Choudhuri)                                   Ajay Kumar Misra
         General Manager                                      Chief General Manager

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