Page 31 - Banking Finance June 2021
P. 31


         performance, and achieve strategic success rates of nearly  importance of leadership within a business and how it can
         90%.                                                 give your organization a competitive edge. From matching
                                                              the right candidates to leadership roles in the hiring stage
         Organizations That Align Talent with Business Strategy  to setting career goals, training, feedback and support, we
         Outperform Others by 16%, Retain 30% More Top-       have seen how learning and development programs are the
         Performers, and See 34% Higher Employee Performance  key drivers to employee retention and effective talent
         According to The State of #Talent Optimization Report  management.
         (study of 600 executives by @predictiveindex).
                                                              Talent Management : Need and
         "While most organizations have a business strategy and a
         financial plan to support it, The State of Talent Optimization  Importance
         report finds only 36% have a talent strategy and a mere 12%  Till date, the research on talent management has mostly
         align their talent and business strategies." However, those  focused on current organizational practices, but it often lacks
         that do have talent strategies designed to hire, manage,  a theoretical perspective. Recent reviews have come to the
         and engage their people in a way that aligns with business  conclusion that the academic field of Talent Management
         objectives significantly outperform other organizations. The  is characterized by a lack of definitions and theoretical
         essence of leadership is aligning employees with the business  frameworks. In fact, the lack of consistent definitions
         strategy to achieve maximum success.                 appears to be the reason why there are at least three
                                                              different ways of interpreting Talent Management in
         Adopting Learning Initiatives                        practice;
                                                              (1) Talent Management is often used simply as a new term
         One key element to successful talent management is
                                                                 for common HR practices (old wine in new bottles)
         learning and development. Businesses within the banking
         sector who adopt learning and development initiatives will  (2) It can allude to succession-planning practices, or
         reap the rewards of an engaged workforce.            (3) It can refer more generically to the management of
                                                                           talented employees.

                                                                           In short, neither a uniform understanding of
                                                                           the term 'talent management' is there, nor
                                                                           of its aims and scope.

                                                                           Basically the term talent management has
                                                                           no universal or specific meaning or
                                                                           definition. It can be different from person
                                                                           to person and organization to organization
                                                                           as their own perception and requirements
                                                                           of the organization. Some organization sets
                                                                           their specific set of standards or yardstick to
                                                                           measure talent. The employees who attain
         From format training programs through platforms such as  those specific tasks and standards in the given time along
         Success Factors to informal mentoring schemes, it's  with some additional tasks are considered as talented
         imperative that everyone from the C-suite to trainees is an  employees of organization. In a nutshell, there is no one way
         active participant in your initiatives. Achieving buy-in will  to measure and identify talent.
         help you to identify areas in need of development, individual
         employee performance and areas at risk.              Now a day's managing talent in an organization is itself is a
                                                              challenging task. No such industry is there which has not
         The challenge throughout your learning and development  been affected by it. The banking sector is one among them.
         program is to create an environment that cultivates leaders  To hire the talented personnel is a challenging task, but to
         who, in turn, encourage growth and learning. The     manage them is the most difficult one. In order to make a

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