Page 34 - Banking Finance June 2021
P. 34


         presence of vigilance officers. Despite all this, Corporate  the top. In majority of the business organisations, whistle-
         governance has been coming under public scrutiny and cases  blower policy has been framed and adopted but it has not
         of governance failure in banks has forced RBI to look at the  garnered active support from the employees as there is a
         "Corporate Governance" afresh. To improve,Basel      trust deficit.
         Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has
         published"Corporate governance principles for banks in July  Corporate governance and ethics are closely interlinked. On
         2015". Recently, RBI has come out with a discussion paper  the one hand corporate governance requires framework of
         on this issue which has resulted into a meaningful and serious  rules clearly defined roles and responsibilities and well laid
         discussion among different stakeholders.             down systems and procedures, on the other hand it requires
                                                              that governance framework is fairly executed and here
         One of the reasons may be that some of those responsible  comes ethics. The corporate governance should be aimed
         for corporate governance are not behaving as they are  at taking care and protecting the interest of all stake
         expected to behave (Ethical behaviour). Their actions are  holders while safeguarding the public interest. Corporate
         lacking ethical current and content. Being ethical and being  governance should also aim at sustainability of the
         legally correct are two different aspects. Adherence to law  organisation.
         is the minimum requirement because legally correct decision
         may be unethical. Any business organisation has many  Customers' rights of safe and transparent business needs to
         stakeholders and being ethically correct means being loyal  be protected. Retail customers do not have enough strength
         and honest to all stakeholders. A work culture which  as a stakeholder and therefore their interest needs to be
         promotes not only legally correct but ethically correct too  protected. Banks have become financial behemoths and this
         needs to be inculcated.                              has led to unethical practices of cross-selling. Banks should
                                                              not compromise the needs and interest of their customers
         Business/banking is carried out in a fiduciary capacity. The  while pushing sales. The need for a long term relationship
         fiduciary relationship between the Investor/ depositor and  with customers also necessitated ethical behaviour on the
         the corporates/bank demands a very high standard ethical  part of business organisations.
         behaviour by management and employees. The conduct of
         a business organisation should be transparent and above  Shareholders' interest needs to be protected by a sound
         suspicion. The Board of Directors must ensure that the  accounting and valuation policy. The disclosure norms under
         control of the organisation is in its hand and unfettered  Basel regulation have brought transparency in disclosing
         decision power to individual executives without proper  financial performance of the bank but a sincere effort on
         control is not possible. Any kind of conflict of interest needs  the part of all concerned not to hide any pertinent
         to be managed in a transparent and defined manner. The  information is required. Disclosure norms for other
         management should set the tone of ethical behaviour from  businesses need to be strengthened.

                                                              Corporates  have to always do a tight rope dancing between
                                                              the interest of shareholders and interest of other stake
                                                              holders who have created wealth and value for the
                                                              organisation. The employees of the organisation are an
                                                              important stakeholder and therefore their interest is also
                                                              of much importance. Employees are looking for fair wages,
                                                              equal opportunity for growth and a safe &conducive work
                                                              environment. Governance and human resource practices
                                                              should not be discriminatory based on caste, creed, religion,
                                                              or faith.

                                                              The society provides the business organisations
                                                              infrastructure, resources, and consumers. Any business
                                                              organisation will survive only if the society in which it

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