Page 32 - Banking Finance June 2021
P. 32


         balance banks started conducting various programme in  laid down, or own structures should be created so that one
         order to attract and retain the talented employees.  does not depend on these intermediaries. These are the
                                                              challenges being faced by Indian Banks now.
         Talent Management in Banking
         Almost all the literature recognizes that talent provides Conclusion
         organizations with a competitive advantage, and it shares  In the era of cut throat competition banks have started
         a common concern that not only the talent is scarce, but  paying attention towards attracting and retaining the new
         also most of the companies are not doing enough to manage  and existing talented employees by offering them various
         and retain whatever they have. Human resources as the  growth options attractive hikes in their career. They are
         greatest source of competitive advantage for any     designing various training and leadership programme for
         organization, human resources deserves the attention and  different managerial level in order to update the skills of
         time of managers more than any other organizational  employees. For this purpose various latest technologies is
         resource or asset.                                   being used to design training modules for employees in the
         The banking sector in India has been largely resilient though
         the crisis of 2008-09 and are ahead in terms of prudential  Things have also started changing with the entry of
         norms which enabled the Indian banks to weather the crisis.  numerous non-banking financial companies as well as private
         However of late, problems are creeping in-weak appraisals,  and foreign banks. Similarly, the nature of business of the
         poor asset quality, frauds, increase in customer grievances,  banking sector has also undergone a lot of changes over a
         poor risk management, inadequate understanding and   period of time. As a result the demand for specialized
         leveraging of IT resources, manpower shortages, etc. The  manpower is also increasing. In a competitive environment
         fallout of not having adequate talent/organization structure  attracting and retaining right kind of talents are very crucial.
         is that one creates a vast network of intermediaries -  good,  Banks are framing their strategies in order to manage the
         bad or ugly. Either they can coexist or may need to be  talent. As a result, Human Resource Management function
         banished. If they are to coexist, codes of conduct should be  of a bank becomes extremely significant. T

                            Banking Act amendment to be challenged by
                                             Maharashtra in court

           A day after the state government appointed a 13-member committee headed by cooperation minister BalasahebPatil
           to study the impact of the amendment to the Banking Regulation Act on urban cooperative banks in the state, the
           panel, in its first meeting itself, decided to challenge the amendment in court. "We fear the urban cooperative banking
           sector will collapse following the amendment to the Banking Regulation Act," Patil said. "We have decided to challenge
           it in court. Whether to move the high court or Supreme Court will be decided after seeking legal opinion of the advocate

           A fortnight ago, NCP president had asked the state government to study the adverse impact of the amendment on
           urban cooperative banks in the state. Revenue minister Balasaheb Thorat, minister of , rural development minister
           HasanMushrif, MSC Bank administrator VidyadharAnaskar, and banking expert Vishwas Thakur were present in the
           meeting. Ansakar made a comprehensive presentation on the pros and cons of the amendment.

           As per the presentation, the amendment gives massive powers to the RBI for regulating urban cooperative banks,
           which have been directly or indirectly controlled by the NCP and Congress. Now, the NDA government has decided to
           regulate recruitments, including the appointment of MDs, their salaries and eligibility, the RBI will decide the eligibility
           of 50% of the directors and the director's tenure will not extend beyond eight years.
           The amendment also aprovides for removal of directors who do not confirm to RBI norms and those removed will not
           be eligible for appointment on any bank in any capacity. The new chairman will be appointed with RBI permission.

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