Page 10 - Insurance Times July 2016
P. 10

LIC of India


LIC Chairman S K Roy resigns before term ends                                          LIC to set up credit en-
                                                                                       hancement fund shortly
                   S.K. Roy, the head of   reasons for the resignation. Roy had
                   Life Insurance Corp     been with the insurer more than three       LIC will "shortly" announce setting
                   (LIC), the biggest      decades after rising through the ranks                               up of a credit
                   single investor in the  to be appointed Chairman in 2013.                                    enhancement
                   country, has tendered                                                                        fund to provide
his resignation two years before his       Under his leadership, LIC has stuck to                               guarantees for
term was due to end.                       its traditionally cautious investment ap-                            infrastructure
                                           proach. The insurer is the largest single                            sector compa-
Roy has written to the finance minis-      investor in stocks in India and holds
try but his resignation is yet to be con-  close to 18 trillion rupees ($267.25 bil-   nies to help them access funds from
firmed, said a senior executive at the     lion) in assets. Roy also has been head     domestic and overseas markets at
insurer, as also a senior government       of LIC at a time of rising competition      lower cost.
official. The sources did not know the     from private insurers.
                                                                                       "We expect LIC to announce it
Customers loyal to LIC the most, followed by Kotak Life                                shortly," Secretary in the Depart-
                                                                                       ment of Economic Affairs
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)  turns and affordability on the products     Shaktikanta Das said.
has held on to its position as a brand     were more in line with the expecta-
that customers are most loyal to, but it   tions. Together, improvement in service     When asked about the impact of this
is fast losing the huge lead it once had   and the nature of the product have          move, he said if infrastructure sec-
over private sector brands in                                                          tor companies "get a credit en-
the business. LIC is followed by                      contributed to higher levels of  hancement, they will be able to ac-
Kotak Life at number two and                          brand satisfaction and loyalty.  cess funds from the market both
Bharti AXA Life/ SBI Life Insur-                                                       domestic and overseas at lower cost
ance (joint third spot) accord-                       Satisfied customers are          because of the credit enhancement
ing to Insurance India 2016, a                        more loyal, the numbers in-      which they get." The infrastructure
study by IMRB International,                          dicate. Among insurers,          companies, Das said will be able to
which has also found that                             HDFC Life gained the most in     leverage on this and get credit en-
about seven in ten customers (69 per                  loyalty over 2015, followed      hancement.
cent) are 'loyal' to their insurance pro-             by Kotak Life Insurance.
vider, up from 60 per cent last year.      Praveen Nijhara, VP, IMRB-Stake-            The fund would help in raising the
                                           holder Management unit said, "It is         credit rating of bonds floated by in-
In a customer satisfaction survey con-     evident that private players have made      frastructure companies and facili-
ducted as part of the study, customers     inroads into building customer loyalty      tate investment from long term in-
also said that they were more satisfied    by delivering positive and consistent       vestors.
with their insurers as compared to 2015.   experiences." Nijhara likens this to the
Satisfaction was a direct outcome of       telecom industry, where it took more        The move assumes significance as
better products, greater adequacy of       than a couple of years for private sec-     infra firms are finding it difficult to
riders and a general consensus that re-    tor players like Airtel, Vodafone, Tata     raise adequate funds at competitive
                                           and Reliance to find their groove.          which are needed for projects with
                                                                                       long gestation period.

10 The Insurance Times, July 2016
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