Page 9 - Insurance Times July 2016
P. 9

IRDAI gives approval to 23 cross-border reinsurers                                      Online insurance is the
                                                                                        talk of the day for agents
IRDAI has granted special approval to     The approved CBRs include Ingosstrakh
23 Cross Border Reinsurers (CBR) for      Joint Stock Insurance Company (Rus-           IRDAI is planning to put in place an
the year 2016-17.                         sia), Asian Reinsurance Corporation                                   insurance self-
                                          (Thailand), Trust Re (Bahrain), United                                network plat-
This will allow Indian insurers to make   Overseas Insurance Company                                            form which could
reinsurance placements with a large       (Singapore), Equator Reinsurances Ltd                                 be used by an
number of reinsurers.                                                                                           agent to sell and
Cross-border reinsurers                                  (Bermuda), East Africa
are those who do not                                     Reinsurance Company Ltd        service products on behalf of regis-
have a physical presence                                 (Nairobi), Vietnam Na-         tered insurers.
in India but carry on rein-                              tional Reinsurance Corpo-
surance business with In-                                ration (Vietnam), CICA Re      "The insurance self-network plat-
dian insurance companies.                                (Kenya), Arab Insurance        form will be available as a regular
                                          Group (Labuan) and Union Insurance            internet website or as a mobile app
According to PJ Joseph, Member (Non-      Company (UAE), among others.                  or both," Randip Singh Jagpal, Senior
Life), IRDAI, approvals were given on                                                   Joint Director, IRDAI, said.
the basis of submissions made by CBRs     Reinsurance assumes significance as it
and the recommendations made by           is important to maintain solvency of          The objective is to promote e-com-
the insurers and GIC Re in line with      the insurer and to ensure that the            merce in the insurance space, which
the guidelines issued by the authority.   claims/other clauses are honoured as          will lower the cost of transacting in-
                                          and when they arise.                          surance business and bring higher ef-
                                                                                        ficiencies and greater reach.
Heavy discounts raise brows of IRDAI
                                                                                        "E-commerce is seen as an effective
Heavy discounts in insurance segments     Margin (ASM) is calculated as, the ex-        medium to increase insurance pen-
such as group health would soon come      cess of value of assets over the value        etration and bring financial inclusion
under the scanner of the Insurance        of liabilities. Solvency ratio means the      in a cost-efficient manner," Jagpal
Regulatory and Development Author-        ratio of the amount of ASM to the             said.
ity of India (IRDAI).                     amount of required solvency margin.
                                                                                        All products approved under the
The regulator has come up                            The higher the solvency ratio,     regulations will be allowed to be sold
with a new set of norms for                          the more financially sound a       through these platforms and they
maintaining the solvency ratio                       company is considered to be.       should be prefixed with the letter "i-
of insurance companies,                              The required solvency ratio,       " to distinguish them from regular
based on each line of busi-                          according to IRDAI norms,          products.
ness. For segments like                              currently is 150 per cent,
health, motor and liability, the                     which is the minimum               From both the industry and consumer
insurer would be required to maintain     amount to be maintained at all times.         angles this move will have significant
a higher solvency ratio since not only                                                  implications. Till now, only insurers
the premiums, the incurred claims are     "Bigger insurers have made pricing so         and web-aggregators were allowed
also high. With the regulator asking in-  tough that it is difficult for others to of-  to sell online. But now, many others
surers to maintain higher solvency for    fer such rates. Now with the                  in the distribution chain will also be
these segments, insurance companies       regulator's command, these practices          able to sell online, according to Sanjay
would be required to reinvent their       would have to discontinue since addi-         Tripathy, Senior Executive Vice-Presi-
business strategies.                      tional solvency has to be maintained if       dent - Marketing, Product, Analytics
                                          claims are high," said the head of un-        Digital & E-commerce, HDFC Life.
According to IRDAI, Available Solvency    derwriting at a mid-sized private gen-
                                          eral insurer.                                 "This is the first time that IRDAI has
                                                                                        recognised such a platform with ro-
          IRDAI may introduce 'Title Insurance'                                         bust security features. Even differen-
                                                                                        tial pricing of products will be permit-
Aiming to provide cover to people in case of defective property titles and re-          ted," he said, adding that the move
lated issues, IRDAI has proposed introducing a new product in India, 'Title In-         will help insurers cut costs.
surance'. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI)
has said that it has decided to constitute a 7-member working group to study
the scope of 'Title Insurance' in the Indian market.

                                                    The Insurance Times, July 2016 9
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