Page 12 - Insurance Times July 2016
P. 12

Private Life Insurance


IRDAI wants life insurers to list shares on stock ex-                                    Reliance Life Insurance
                                                                                         CEO Anup Rau quits
                                                                                         Reliance Life Insurance's chief execu-
The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-         (Issuance of Capital by Indian Insur-                            tive of three years,
opment Authority (IRDAI) wants life in-     ance Companies transacting Life Insur-                           Anup Rau has quit
surers to mandatorily list shares on the    ance Business) Regulations, 2015 which                           the company, said
stock exchanges while the                                                                                    three people famil-
industry has said that pro-                               contains the extant provi-                         iar with the devel-
moters should be allowed                                  sions for issuance of capital                      opment.
flexibility in capital man-                               by life insurers. "We be-
agement. In a recent meet-                                lieve that capital manage-     Rau's exit from the company comes
ing with CEOs, the regula-                                ment is the prerogative of     after it posted a Rs 200 crore loss for
tor asked insurers to com-                                promoters and they may         fiscal year 2016 and a possible dispute
pulsorily evaluate listing in order to im-                be provided the flexibility    over priorities of the company as com-
prove corporate governance.                 in this regard," Life Insurance Council,     petition cripples growth, they added.
                                            the representative body of life insur-
The industry, however, suggested that       ance companies said in its response to       "Anup Rau has put in his papers that
not more than three-four companies          the regulator.                               he quits due to differences over busi-
are in a position to evaluate listing                                                    ness goals with the management,"
since growth in new business and prof-      With mandatory listing, IRDAI wants          said one of the people cited above.
itability remains a challenge.              to improve transparency, governance          "Rau's focus was on improving re-
                                            and disclosure to improve public and         serves and persistency."
IRDAI had last year issued the IRDAI        customer perception.
                                                                                         The company declined to comment
Mahendra Singh Dhoni selected as brand ambassador                                        about the issue and Anup Rau did
of Exide Life                                                                            not respond to calls and messages.

Exide Life Insurance has announced          celebrated cricketers, and the most          Indian life insurers are getting
India cricket team captain Mahendra         successful captain of the Indian team        squeezed by competition from HDFC
Singh Dhoni as its brand am-                                                             Life, Max, and Prudential who have
bassador. Dhoni, who repre-                            and we are extremely excited      turned aggressive after the govern-
sents the aspirations of mil-                          to be associated with him.        ment increased foreign direct invest-
lions, has a strong mass ap-                                                             ment to 49% from 26%.
peal and following compared                            Speaking about his partner-
to any other sporting icon in                          ship with Exide Life, Dhoni       Reliance Life's persistency, the propor-
India, Exide Life Insurance                            said, "This is my first endorse-  tion of policies that are kept alive, rose
said in a statement.                                   ment deal in the insurance        to 60% from 57% a year earlier. Yet
                                                       category. It helps Indians pre-   another reason for the loss has also
Dhoni has appeal that cuts across ge-       pare financially for their long and happy    been a fall in income from unclaimed
ography, gender and age groups, it          life. Long term relationships build trust    premium lying with the company.
said, adding, he is one of India's most     and I have always planned for the long
                                            term in all aspects of my life”.

12 The Insurance Times, July 2016
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