Page 16 - Insurance Times July 2016
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committed by the policyholder or by a third party claiming The fraudsters are well informed about the entire insurance
against an insurance policy. It can range from providing ‘value chain’ (Refer to Figure 1) and are in continuous look-
untruthful or incomplete information in applications, out for potential weakness. The moment they are able to
submitting a claim for a loss based on misleading or identify the weakest link they strategize and attack. For
untruthful circumstances, exaggerating a genuine claim and example – if the sales force is not vigilant and does not act
misleading /being untruthful in dealings with an insurer with as primary underwriters, the fraudsters are going to target
the intention of gaining a benefit under the insurance the sales force to achieve their plan to deceive the
contract. insurance companies.
Similarly, an Abuse can be defined as a practice that is In many cases it is observed and found that the fraudsters
inconsistent with the business ethics, which results in are supported and guided by a “Consultant”, who
unnecessary cost to claims and in turn to the company and unfortunately, would be someone from the Insurance
is illegal. For example – hospitals charging fees from Industry, either a person from the Sales Team or an Agent
insurance companies for procedures and diagnostics which or an ex-employee or a Surveyor or an Investigator working
are not required. for some insurance companies or someone who has worked
or had been related/known to them or an Advocate. These
What is the scale and extent of Fraud? consultants aid in preparation of documents and creating
situations fertile for putting up a fictitious & fraudulent claim
With the exponential growth in the insurance industry; the with the concerned Insurance Company.
industry is also witnessing an increase in the number of
frauds and abuse in the business. Detected and undetected For e.g. in Health Insurance, unfortunately, it is observed
fraud are estimated to represent up to 10% - 20% of all that the treating doctor/family doctor or the Hospital/
claims expenditure. The significant role fraud and abuse Nursing Home is fully aware of the condition of the health
plays in negatively affecting the insurance sector are often of the Insured person but they would aid in preparing
under-reported or discounted. hospitalization related fictitious documents for submission
to the concerned Insurance Company, in connivance with
Since the advent of privatization in the Life, Health & Non- the Insured & the Consultant. There are also instances
Life Industry, the number of incidences of fraud & abuse wherein the fraudsters are the people who were ex-
have been observed/noticed, traced and proved but still in investigator.
large number of incidences, the fraudsters go scotch free
due to non-availability of credible documentary evidence,
which can stand in the Court of Law and the indecisiveness/
hesitancy of the companies to file Police Complaints against
the fraudsters/abusers.
The worst hit policies are Motor (Own Damage, Theft &
Third Party), Employers Liability, Personal Accident, Fire,
Marine, etc. in the Non-Life Industry and in the Life & Health
Industry, fraud and abuse is rampantly observed/noticed in
claims related to Death, Hospitalization and Accidents.
It has been observed that the fraudsters follow a pattern Figure 1: Insurance Value Chain
in the incidences of fraud and abuse and it is not restricted
to certain areas but is spread across the country. The Source: “A Core Competency – Delivered on Time, Every
fraudsters are well equipped and abreast with the Terms Time”, IRDAI Journal, Volume XIII, No.10, pp.4-9, October
& Conditions of the various policies, Rights of the Insured, 2015.
Latest trends in the Insurance Industry, Investigative
measures adopted by the Insurance companies, Limitations What is the Cost of fraud?
& Constraints of the Insurance Companies, Actions taken
by the Insurance Companies in fraudulent claims, Court Insurance fraud seems on the surface like a crime that
proceedings and formalities, etc.
16 The Insurance Times, July 2016