Page 18 - Insurance Times July 2016
P. 18

prove the intent of fraud or abuse, which in turn will result    business routed through them but some individual
in unwarranted law suits against the Insurers filed by their     overseeing and in charge of the operations & marketing in
Insured/Claimants in the court of law and ultimately             the broking company, would be involved in the immoral/
alienating the genuine customers from them.                      illegal act & hence, it would in turn make the broking
                                                                 company responsible for any wrong doings of their
The Management will have to appoint a person with                employee/s or any authorised persons. It is definitely a very
experience, knowledge & exposure to the various frauds in        complex scenario but lately, many fraudsters are found to
the industry, who is high on integrity, passion and up to date   be taking advantage of the systemic flaw and are routing
on the emerging fraudulent techniques adopted by the             the fraudulent business through these broking companies.
fraudsters and their geographical locations, whose job would
be to remain agile, vigilant, diligent, proactive and efficient  Similarly, there have been instances of breach of the Fraud
in building a robust team to oversee and manage the              & Abuse Policy by the TPA’s or their employees in connivance
introduction and implementation of the Fraud & Abuse             with the employees of the Insurance company, Hospitals,
Control Policy at the micro level.                               Doctors, Agents or Brokers or the Consultants whilst
                                                                 servicing the customers of the Insurers while conducting the
The designated person will have to keep the management           Pre Insurance Medicals and also, during the management
abreast, on regular intervals, with the findings & action        of their claims. The Insurers should immediately act to curb
taken reports in each case. This will enable the                 this menace, as it adversely affects their bottom line due
management to implement the policy in Letter & Spirit,           to the impact of paying fraudulent claims.
which will act as a strong deterrent to the fraudsters
planning to strike in the future.                                The TPA’s & the Broking companies should be held liable
                                                                 and responsible for the immoral act of their employee/s and
In the case of breach of the Fraud & Abuse Policy by an          punitive action should be initiated by the Insurance
employee/s, the Insurers should act swiftly without delay        companies against them with the knowledge and guidance
in identifying the wrong doing and immediately take steps        of IRDA.
to take the lid off the fraud and ensure punitive action is
immediately initiated against the concerned employee/s.          The third and the fourth step is to build a data centric
They should also try to identify whether the immoral act         approach along with advanced and predictive modelling.
was committed by the employee/s individually or in               Here, different forms of data should be captured, analyzed
connivance with some other stake holders viz. Surveyors,         and reviewed at regular intervals.
                                                                 “Red flags” should be developed to predict suspicious
It is generally observed that the Insurers shy away from         behavior across the insurance value chain. Tolls like ‘fraud-
initiating action against Agents/Brokers by complaining to       o-meter’ should be developed and used for predictive
IRDA about their wrong doings or their involvement in            analytics. There should be mechanism in place to ensure
unethical practices, as they are worried about the impact        the revision and enhancements of the rules engine on an
of such action on the amount of business flowing in from         on-going basis.
these entities but in the longer run it would have a very
bad impact on the profitability of the company. Lately,          As markets mature, organization would get better at
Insurers have realised it and have started taking punitive       managing fraud, but we believe that CEO needs to
action against the Agents by filing F.I.R’s against them but     strategize to increase their organization pace in identifying
they are still found would waiting in course home of action      and mitigating frauds. While it may not be possible in the
against the Brokers.                                             immediate future to iron out frauds completely, the goal is
                                                                 to reduce the scale and frequency of frauds. We believe, if
The Broker, as an identity, is not an individual like an Agent   CEOs pursue the four step framework as a solution, then
(who has to promote and place business with a single             the companies would be a much better placed to manage
insurance company) but is a firm or a company registered         frauds and move towards a the ideal goal of elimination.
and recognised by IRDA. They have the flexibility to work        The current situation warrants a wake-up call for all the
with any Insurance company and would not be directly             CEO’s of the insurance companies so that they don’t become
involved in the wrong doings and eventually can’t be held        prey to menace of fraud and abuse. 
responsible for the illegal/fraudulent acts committed in the

18 The Insurance Times, July 2016
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