Page 24 - Insurance Times July 2016
P. 24
4. This credit (in terms of waiting period) would be limited Conditions applicable in case of portability of
to the sum assured (including bonus) under the previ- Health Policies:-
ous policy.
1) You can port the policy only at the juncture of renewal.
5. The insurers shall strictly comply with Regulation 4(6) That is, the new insurance period will be with the new
of IRDA (Protection of policyholders' interests) Regula- insurance company;
tions, 2002 in accepting the proposals when the policy-
holder is switching from one insurer to other. 2) Apart from the waiting period credit, all other terms of
the new policy including the premium are at the dis-
6. If the policy results into discontinuance because of any cretion of the new insurance company;
delay by the insurer in accepting the proposal, the in-
surer shall not treat the policy as discontinuance and 3) At least 45 days before your renewal is due you have
shall allow portability. to;
7. Insurers shall clearly draw the attention of the policy- 4) Write to your old insurance company requesting a shift;
holder in the policy contract and the promotional ma-
terial like prospectus, sales literature etc that: 5) Specify company to which you want to shift the policy;
i. All health insurance policies are portable;
6) Renew your policy without a break (there is a 30 day
ii. Policyholder should initiate action to approach an- grace period if porting is under process).
other insurer, to take advantage of portability, well
before the renewal date to avoid any break in the 5) Guidelines on insurance repositories
policy coverage due to delays in acceptance of the and electronic issuance of insurance
proposal by the other insurer. policies:
8. All insurers are hereby directed that the entire data- As per the Circular Ref. IRDA/ ADMN/ GDL/ GLD/ 080/ 04/
base including the claim details of the policies, where 2011 dated 29th April, 2011 had given the 'Guidelines on
the policyholders has opted for portability, shall be Insurance repositories and electronic issuance of insurance
shared with their counterparts, if requested by the policies' which stipulates as below:
counterpart within seven working days of such request 1. Exclusive maintenance with insurance repositories:
by the counterpart.
(1) Where an insurer issues and maintains 'e insurance
9. All applications for the portability shall be acknowledged policies', he shall mandatorily do so by utilizing the
by the insurers within three working days. services of an insurance repository granted certifi-
cate of registration by the Authority under these
10. This had been applicable for all existing contracts and Guidelines. All such insurance policies in electronic
new contracts with effect from 1st July 2011. form shall be treated as valid insurance contracts.
Rights of the Insured in relation to portability (2) Every insurer shall enter into service level agree-
issues of Health Policies are as given in details ments with all insurance repositories that have been
below:- granted a certificate of registration by the Author-
ity for issuing and maintenance of e insurance poli-
1) You can port your policy from and to any general insur- cies.
ance company or specialised health insurance company;
2. Eligibility norms for setting up an Insurance Repository:
2) You can port any individual/ family policies; (1) The Authority shall not consider an application for
insurance repository, unless the applicant belongs
3) Your new insurer has to give you the credit relating to to one of the following categories, namely:-
waiting period for pre-existing conditions that you have a. A public limited company registered under the
gained with the old insurer; Companies Act, 1956 with a minimum share
capital of Rs 5 lakhs;
4) Your new insurer has to insure you at least up to the
sum insured under the old policy; b. A public financial institution as defined in sec-
tion 4A of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956);
5) The two insurers should complete the porting as per the
timelines prescribed in the IRDA (Protection of Policy- c. A wholly owned subsidiary of an existing de-
holders' Interests) Regulations and guidelines; pository registered with Securities and Ex-
24 The Insurance Times, July 2016