Page 26 - Insurance Times July 2016
P. 26

fected. This measure reduces the expenses of the insurer,      9) New regulations related to mainte-
thereby lowering the premiums to be paid by the policy-
holder. Further, IRDA has also addressed the issue of Refer-   nance of solvency margins of all the In-
rals with the IRDA (Sharing of database for distribution of
insurance products) Regulations, 2010 that leaves no scope     dian insurers:
for misuse of the system.
                                                               Every insurer is required to maintain a Required Solvency
7) Initiative of IRDA on prospect product                      Margin as per Section 64VA of the Insurance Act, 1938.
matrix by insurers, based on needs                             Every insurer shall maintain an excess of the value of assets
analysis:                                                      over the amount of liabilities of not less than an amount
                                                               prescribed by the IRDA, which is referred to as a Required
Implementation of a Prospect Product Matrix by insurers,       Solvency Margin.
based on Needs Analysis is another initiative the IRDA is
making as a step in curbing wrong advice and misselling.       The IRDA (Assets, Liabilities and Solvency Margin of Insur-
Further, guidelines relating to distance marketing have been   ers) Regulations, 2000 describe in detail the method of com-
issued by IRDA. The guidelines address the challenges re-      putation of the Required Solvency Margin. Subsequently vide
lating to misspelling using distance marketing mode, which     Circular No. 056/IRDA/ACIL/Solvency Margin February-07
is fallout of the advancement in technology. While the ben-    dated 23/02/2007 to all the Life Insurers Regarding Report-
efits of having new and faster channels need to be reaped,     ing of Maintenance of Solvency Ratio - on Quarterly Basis
the loopholes created by them need plugging and this is        and the Time Table for submission these quarterly reports -
precisely what the guidelines are aimed at.                    it has been decided that all Life Insurers which are regis-
                                                               tered with IRDA need to move towards this Quarterly Re-
8) Financial literacy and consumer edu-                        porting. Time Table for the submission of these quarterly
cation initiatives by IRDAI:                                   reports directed by IRDA is as follows:

1. The financial literacy and consumer education initiatives   Solvency Report as on To be submitted on or before
     are aimed at ensuring that the customer is well in-
     formed and financially educated while purchasing insur-   June 30th       August 15th
     ance products. During 2011-12, IRDA has carried out
     awareness campaigns in English, Hindi and vernacular      September 30th  November 15th
     languages through print and electronic media. Apart
     from media campaigns through newspapers, radio and        December 31st   February 15th
     television etc; essay competition under the Bima
     Bemisaal banner for students was conducted during the     March 31st      May 15th
     year 2011-12 and IRDA's exclusive Consumer Education
     Website was launched.                                     9.1. Life Insurers

2. The Authority conducted its 3rd seminar on 'Policy-         9.1.1. In the case of life insurers, the Required Solvency
     holder Protection and Welfare' on 3rd June, 2012 at       Margin is the higher of an amount of fifty crores of rupees
     Kolkata. During the seminar, the Authority released its   (one hundred crores of rupees in the case of reinsurer) or a
     Consumer Affairs Annual Booklet 2011-12 containing        sum which is based on a formula given in the Act and the
     updates on Policyholder Protection measures; analysis     regulations framed there under. One of the important fac-
     of complaints statistics and details about Comic Series   tors that influence insurance penetration is the capital re-
     (Volume-2) on Insurance Ombudsman, ULIP, Motor and        quirement under the solvency margin.
     Health. The policyholders' handbooks on Life, Motor,
     Health, Intermediaries, Property and Travel Insurance     The pure term products provide simple life cover and it is
     in various Indian languages (other than Hindi) were also  believed that companies could design products, which could
     released where IRDA continues to support consumer         reach various segments of the population in meeting their
     bodies in its efforts to spread word about insurance as   insurance needs, thereby enhancing insurance penetration.
     well as about the rights and duties of a policyholder.    In line with this objective, the Authority had decided to al-
                                                               low the life insurers to reduce the capital requirement in
                                                               the case of pure term products without changing the fac-
                                                               tor loadings in the case of the remaining products. Suitable
                                                               instructions modifying these requirements were issued by

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