Page 16 - Insurance Times May 2023
P. 16

Medi assist set to acquire         quisition for us for some time. It signifi-
           Rajasthan passes Right
                                                                               cantly adds  presence, scale and the
                                            Raksha Insurance TPA in
           to Health Bill                                                      strength of relationships for us. This
           Rajasthan became the first state  expansion push                    will be a game changer sort of trans-
                                                                               action not just for us but also in the TPA
           to pass in Assembly the Right to  Health insurance third-party adminis-
                                                                               industry because it's one of the largest
           Health Bill, which gives every resi-  trator Medi Assist is set to acquire
                                                                               TPA M&A that has happened in India,"
           dent of the state the right to avail  100% stake in Raksha Insurance TPA in
                                                                               he said.
           free  Out  Patient  Department   what could be the largest deal in third-
           (OPD) services and In Patient De-  party administrator or TPA space, its  Last year in November, Medi Assist had
           partment (IPD) services at all pub-  CEO Satish Gidugu told.        acquired  a  60% stake in  UK-based
           lic health  facilities. Also, similar                               healthcare-focused  service provider
                                            The partnership will allow Bengaluru-
           healthcare services will be pro-                                    Mayfair We Care, marking its first over-
                                            based Medi Assist to significantly ex-
           vided free of cost at select private                                seas acquisition. "This is another exten-
                                            pand its retail capacities  along with
           facilities.                                                         sion that Raksha customers can enjoy,
                                            strengthening its presence in the inte-
                                                                               which is access to global benefits based
           The Bill was passed despite pro-  riors of the country, he said.
                                                                               on their requirements," Didwania said.
           tests by the opposition BJP, which
                                            "This is the largest M&A deal so far in
           wanted to bring in certain changes
                                            the TPA space. In fact, Raksha will add
           to the provisions,  as well as an                                   Supplement  employer
                                            almost 35% or more to our existing
           agitation by a section of doctors,
                                            retail premiums. They will give us sig- health  plan  with a per-
           who have been demanding with-
                                            nificant  access to  deeper  parts of
           drawal of the legislation.                                          sonal cover
                                            north, central and some deeper parts
                                                                               Employer-sponsored health insurance
           According  to  the  Bill,  free  of western regions, making it truly a
                                                                               is a critical element of the benefits
           healthcare services, including con-  pan-Indian company," he said.
                                                                               package provided to employees. When
           sultation, drugs, diagnostics, emer-
                                            The company plans to reach tier-2 and
           gency transport, procedure and                                      the coverage is comprehensive and
                                            tier-3 locations like Baroda, Lucknow,
           emergency care, will be provided                                    the sum insured is sufficient, it provides
                                            Indore and Bhopal, where Medi Assist
           at all public health institutions and                               protection, and hence peace of mind,
                                            has scanty presence.
           select private facilities subject to                                to the employee and his family. A re-
                                            Niraj Didwania, head of M&A at Medi  cent study by Plum, a health insurance
           conditions specified in the rules,
                                            Assist, said the company will approach  platform, which examined the health
           which will be formulated now.
                                            the Insurance Regulatory and Develop-  insurance  policies offered  by  over
           Also, all residents will be entitled
                                            ment Authority of India (Irdai) this  2,500 employers,  revealed  several
           to emergency treatment and care
                                            week for the next steps and expects  gaps in the coverage they provide.
           for accidental emergency without
                                            approval within the next two months.
                                                                               Employer-sponsored health insurance
           prepayment of any fee or charges.
                                            "This has been a very sought after ac-  offers multiple advantages to employ-
                                                                        The Insurance Times  May 2023      15
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