Page 18 - Insurance Times May 2023
P. 18

IndiaFirst  Life  gets  Sebi       criticism of its investment in Adani
           Govt       appoints         S
                                                                               group companies.
                                            nod for IPO
           Mohanty as LIC's acting                                             After the Adani group lost over $100
                                            IndiaFirst Life Insurance, promoted by
           chairperson                                                         billion  in  valuation  post  scathing
                                            Bank  of  Baroda,  has  received  the
                                                                               allegations by U.S.-based Hindenburg
           The  government  appointed       Securities  and  Exchange  Board  of
                                                                               Research, state-run LIC was criticized
           Siddhartha  Mohanty,  who  is    India's (SEBI) approval to raise funds
                                                                               for having over $4 billion exposure to
           currently serving as the managing  through an initial public offering (IPO).
                                                                               companies from the group.
           director (MD) of Life Insurance
                                            The life insurer had in October 2022
           Corporation  (LIC), as  its Acting                                  LIC, the country's largest domestic
                                            sought approval for the public issue,
           Chairperson for three months from                                   institutional investor with assets under
                                            which consists of a fresh issue of equity
           March 14.                                                           management of about $539 billion, is
                                            shares worth up to Rs 500 crore and
           M.R.  Kumar,  who  was  the      an offer-for-sale (OFS) of up to 14.1  planning to cap its debt and equity
           Chairperson of the LIC, completed  crore  shares  by the  promoter  and  exposure in individual firms, group
           his term on March 13. "We advise  selling shareholders.             companies and companies that are
           that in view of the completion of                                   backed by same promoters, one of the
                                            Bank of Baroda will offload about 8.9
           term of Kumar as Chairperson of                                     sources, with knowledge of the matter,
                                            crore   shares,   Carmel    Point
           LIC of India, on March 13, 2023,                                    told Reuters.
                                            Investments India will tender 3.9 crore
           the  Ministry  of  Finance  has
                                            shares,  and  Union  Bank  of  India  "LIC  is  looking  to  have  'boundary
           conveyed  the  approval  of  the
                                            another 1.3 crore shares.          conditions' on its investments that
           Competent     Authority,   for
                                                                               would limit its exposure to scrips," said
                                            IndiaFirst Life, may in consultation
           entrusting    financial   and
                                                                               the source.
                                            with merchant bankers, consider a
           administrative  powers  and
                                            private  placement,  preferential  The sources did not want to be named
           functions of Chairperson, LIC in the
                                            allotment, rights issue or any such  as the discussions are private until the
           interim to Siddhartha Mohanty,
                                            other method aggregating up to Rs 100  LIC's board approves the plan. The LIC
           Managing Director," LIC said in an
                                            crore before the IPO, in which case the
           exchange filing.                                                    and  federal finance ministry did not
                                            fresh issue size will be reduced.  immediately reply to e-mails seeking
           "This  is  in  addition to his  own
           duties,  for  a  period  of  three
                                            LIC plans to cap exposure
           months, with effect from March                                      The caps, once approved  by the LIC
           14, 2023, or till assumption of the  to companies                   board, would further limit the insurer's
           charge by the regular appointee  LIC is planning to impose caps on its  exposure. Currently, the insurer cannot
           to the said post, or until further  debt  and  equity  exposure  to  invest more than 10% of outstanding
           orders, whichever is the earliest,"  companies, two sources said, in a bid  equity in a company and 10% of the
           LIC said.                        to lower concentration of risk following  outstanding debt.
                                                                        The Insurance Times  May 2023      17
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