Page 17 - Insurance Times May 2023
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ees. One, the burden of paying premi-  ing conditions, they find it difficult to buy  for malpractices and serious frauds,"
          ums is on the organisation.       a retail health insurance cover. Their  he said.
                                            child's employer-provided cover is the
          "The employer often covers the premi-                                In FY22, the company blacklisted about
                                            only health insurance they have.
          ums for the employee, the spouse, and                                1,185 hospitals for fake claims and sus-
          children, which is a valuable benefit for  And  five, employer-sponsored plans  pended the cashless option for about
          employees," says Vishal Dhawan, chief  often  include  maternity  benefits,  230  hospitals. In  FY23, it blacklisted
          financial planner, Plan Ahead Wealth  which may not be covered by personal  more than 1,300 hospitals, while sus-
          Advisors.                         health insurance plans.            pending the cashless mechanism for
                                                                               300-odd hospitals.
          Two, people who have pre-existing dis-
          ease are often denied access to a re- Star Health's tech-enabled     The reasons for blacklisting and sus-
          tail health  insurance  policy. "In an                               pension of cashless include imperson-
                                            mechanism detects fake
          employer-sponsored group plan, there                                 ation, fake claims, phantom billing,
          is no health checkup, medical under- claims                          duplication, resubmission of rejected
          writing, or requirement to disclose  Star Health and Allied Insurance say its  claims by others, claims under differ-
          pre-existing  conditions. Therefore,  anti-fraud mechanism - medical expe-  ent names,  poor infrastructure,  bad
          employees  get insured regardless of  rience embedded with technology - has  clinical governance, etc.
          their  health  condition," says Kapil  helped the standalone health insurer
                                                                               "These fake claims are being raised for
          Mehta, co-founder & chief executive  achieve some  savings in its claims
                                                                               the insured people, imagine what will
          officer (CEO), SecureNow.         outgo while taking action against er-
                                                                               happen to  those poor or uninsured
          Three, employer-sponsored plans pro-  rant hospitals that claimed fake bills.
                                                                               people who go to these hospitals. Be-
          vide day-one coverage for pre-existing  "We have moved from a manual pro-  cause of few black  sheep, there is a
          diseases (PEDs). "Individual plans typi-  cess of claims to a digital technology-  large stress in the industry," he said.
          cally have a waiting period for  PEDs
                                            enabled system," Dr S Prakash, Man-
          before  coverage  begins,"  Says  aging Director, Star Health told. "With  Health insurance reach still
          Abhished Poddar, co-founder and CEO,
                                            our experience in the medical field, we
          Plum. This  waiting period can range                                 low
                                            have developed a very robust rule en-
          from two years to four years in these  gine for claims. Multiple checks have  India's health insurance segment con-
          policies.                                                            tributed 0.34 percentage point out of
                                            been put in place to identify irregulari-
          Four, in many cases, employer-sponsored  ties,"  he  said.  While  Star  Health  the overall 1 percentage point of gen-
          plans also cover parents. Since elderly  recognise good hospitals, it has also  eral insurance (including health insur-
          parents tend to have several pre-exist-  taken action against "errant hospitals"  ance) penetration in the country dur-
                                                                               ing FY22, Lok Sabha was informed.
             Health insurers plan common platform to check                     During FY22, the number of persons
                                                                               covered under health Insurance stood
                                    rising fraud
                                                                               at 52.04 crore, said Minister of State
           Non-life insurance companies are coming together under the General In-
                                                                               for Finance Bhagwat Karad in a writ-
           surance Council to create a platform for onboarding hospitals for cashless
                                                                               ten reply to a Lok Sabha question.
           claims settlement. The platform will make it easier for hospitals to tie up
                                                                               The Minister said insurance regulator
           with insurers and enable the industry check leakages by identifying bad play-
                                                                               IRDAI has informed  the government
           ers in the healthcare sector.
                                                                               that it has adopted a multi-pronged
           "The platform will address a key pain point of the healthcare industry of
                                                                               approach  using print and  electronic
           having to deal with 30 insurance companies separately. It would also help
                                                                               media to enhance consumer awareness
           the industry check leakages due to fraud, waste and abuse and help bring
                                                                               on various aspects of insurance, includ-
           down costs," said S Prakash, MD,  Star  Health and Allied Insurance, and
                                                                               ing health insurance on a pan-India ba-
           executive committee member of General Insurance Council.
                                                                               sis, encouraging all stakeholders to pro-
           According to Prakash, the objective is to increase the share of cashless claims  mote insurance awareness. Despite
           to close to 100% from 55%. He said that the industry has grown at a com-  these efforts, the outcome on health
           pounded annual growth rate of 20.3% to Rs 73,000 crore in FY22 and was  insurance penetration in the country
           expected to touch Rs 90,000 crore this year.                        continues to be low, say experts.
            16      May 2023     The Insurance Times
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