Page 39 - Insurance Times May 2023
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sales crossing 10 lakh units in FY23. Two-wheelers made up  designed to redistribute funds to users and support social
          for the bulk of EV sales in FY23.                   good in their communities.
          However, delays in subsidy disbursements, under FAME-II,  Policyholders contribute to a common fund to cover each
          have slowed manufacturing,  according to the Society of  other against damage and loss. Once a year, ETAP will collate
          Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles (SMEV).          all the remaining funds after claims and associated costs
                                                              have been deducted and redistribute to policyholders, or to
          IRDAI  introduces  direct  plans  in                their chosen non-profit cause.
          insurance                                           This may include non-profit organisations working towards
                                                              ending homelessness, educational programmes, healthcare
          IRDAI has introduced direct plans in insurance from April 1,
                                                              initiatives for the bottom of the pyramid, human rights
                                                              advocacy, and orphanages. Policyholders can also receive
          The insurance regulator has asked insurance companies -
                                                              their surplus via cashback or a discount on renewals.
          life, non-life and standalone health insurers to devise a board
                                                              According to IbraheemBabalola, CEO and founder of ETAP,
          approved policy for directly sourced policies. Insurers will
                                                              "To drive insurance penetration in Africa, where less than 3
          have to define a manner in which they will reduce premium
                                                              per cent of the population own any kind of insurance, we
          if a policy is sourced directly to a policyholder.
                                                              need to design new products that meet the diverse needs
          In a gazette notification, IRDAI said, "Every insurer shall
                                                              of people across the continent.
          have a well-documented policy approved by its board on
          annual basis, which shall,  specify manner of transfer of  "In a country like Nigeria where Muslims make up almost
          benefits, arising from reduction of expenses and/or from  half of the 220 million population, the vast majority of
          directly sourced business to the policyholder by the way of  insurance products on the market are not an option to most
          reduction in premium."                              Muslims because the way the policies are structured goes
                                                              against their religious belief."
          With this, insurance companies will have to reduce the
          premium if policyholder buys an insurance policy directly  ETAP is the first African insurtech to enable the option of
          from an insurer. Such a reduction will happen from expenses  Takaful insurance on the continent. Starting in Nigeria, users
          of management which includes agents commission.     can now access the option on the ETAP app alongside other
                                                              insurance options and immediately begin to give back to
          So far, while insurers are allowed to sell insurance policies
                                                              their communities  while having the peace of mind that
          directly to the policyholders, there is no reduction in
                                                              comes with having their cars insured.
          premium. However, IRDAI has now clarified that insurers
          will have to pass on this benefit to the policyholders.  They simply need to download the app,  provide basic
                                                              information about their car and driving history, and choose
          Among other key instructions to the board of insurance
                                                              the level of coverage they require (daily, weekly, monthly,
          companies are:
                                                              quarterly or annual) and they can start enjoying the benefits
             Make well defined policy on structure of commission of
                                                              of an ethical car insurance product.
                                                              Leveraging ETAP's technology that allows drivers to buy
             Implement measures to reduce cost and expenses of
                                                              insurance in 90 seconds, complete claims in 3 minutes or
             management on annual basis
                                                              less  and get  rewarded  for good  driving  and avoiding
             Implement manner of computation of additional    accidents, users can now enjoy an added layer of ethical
             allowance                                        insurance on top of what is already the fastest claims
             Ensure compliance with the IRDAI norms           process on the market.
          Further, IRDAI has asked insurers to devise business plan  ETAP's business model is based on the concept of Shared
          keeping in mind their capital requirements, projection of  Value Insurance, which focuses on incentivising people with
          solvency margin and protection of expense of management.  rewards to reduce their insurance risk by adopting good
          ETAP launches 'ethical car insurance'               With ETAP, drivers are able to earn Safe Driving Points that
          ETAP, an African insurtech  company, has launched ETAP  can be exchanged for shopping vouchers for the most in-
          Takaful, a new ethical car insurance product based on Islamic  demand retail outlets, fuel, cinema and concert tickets, and
          principles. Unlike conventional insurance, ETAP Takaful is  other exciting experiences.

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