Page 35 - Insurance Times May 2023
P. 35

For example,  auto insurance may record and study the  The more eggs we deal with, the more likely we are to find
          number of accidents caused by a very large population of 18-  that one out of every three-dozen is cracked.
          year-old males. They will be able to predict how many 18-
                                                              Insurers use the law of large numbers to estimate the losses
          year-old males will cause an accident in a given year. They  a certain group of insureds may have in the future. An actuary
          will know that in a given year there is a high probability that
                                                              looks at losses that have occurred in the past and predicts
          X number of 18-year-old  males will cause an accident.
                                                              that in the future approximately two out of 100 policyholders
          Knowing this, they partially can determine how much an 18-  will have a claim. Thus, if the insurers  writes 100 automobile
          year-old male should pay for auto insurance (excluding other  policies, it may expect to pay two claims. This is referred to
          factors, such as the type of vehicle, region where the driver  as loss frequency.
          resides, etc.) This is how the law of large numbers helps
                                                              Insurance companies must also determine the average cost
          insurance providers determine their rates, and why the rates
                                                              of claims over time, or loss severity. If the average claim
          vary from one type of individual to another.
                                                              resulted in the company paying Rs. 1,000, then the actuary
                                                              will predict that total losses for the upcoming year will be Rs.
          Law of Large Numbers Relates to Insurance:
                                                              2,000 (two claims at Rs. 1,000 each).
          (Understanding the Law of Large Numbers in
                                                              The law of large numbers states that as the number of
          Insurance)                                          policyholders increases, the more confident the insurer  is its
          In the insurance industry, the law of large numbers produces  prediction will prove true. Therefore, insurance companies
          its axiom. As the number of exposure units (policyholders)  attempt to acquire a large number of similar policyholders
          increases, the probability that the actual loss per exposure  who all contribute to a fund which will pay the losses.
          unit will equal the expected loss per exposure unit is higher.
                                                              Statistics is used to determine what risk an insured poses to
          To put it in economic language, there are returns to scale in
                                                              an insurance company, what percentage of policies is likely
          insurance production.
                                                              to pay out, and how much money a company can expect to
          In practical terms, this means that it is easier to establish the  pay out in claims.
          correct premium and thereby reduce risk exposure for the
                                                              The Law of Large Numbers theorises that the average of a
          insurer as more policies are issued within a given insurance
                                                              large number of results closely mirrors the expected value,
          class. An insurance company is better off issuing 500 rather
                                                              and that difference narrows as more results are introduced.
          than 150  fire insurance policies, assuming a stable and
                                                              In insurance, with a large number of policyholders, the actual
          independent probability distribution for loss exposure.
                                                              loss per event will equal the expected loss per event.
          First, all insurance companies are not equally adept at the
                                                              The Law of Large Numbers is less effective with health and fire
          business of providing insurance. This includes maintaining
                                                              insurance where policyholders are independent of each other.
          operational efficiency, calculating effective premiums, and
          mitigating loss exposure after a claim is filed. Most of these  With a large number of insurers offering different types of
                                                              coverage, the demand for variety increases, making the Law
          features do not impact the law of large numbers.
                                                              of Large Numbers less beneficial.
          The law of large numbers is a statistical concept that relates
          to probability. It is one of the factors insurance companies
                                                              Probability Analysis in insurance:
          use to determine their rates.
                                                              A technique used by risk managers for forecasting future
          It means that the larger the number of units that are individually
                                                              events, such as accidental and business losses. This process
          exposed to an event, the greater the likelihood that the actual
                                                              involves a review of historical loss data to calculate a
          results of that exposure will equal the expected results.
                                                              probability distribution that can be used to predict future
          The Law of Large Numbers using eggs as an example, that
                                                              losses. The probability analyst views past losses as a range of
          for every three-dozen eggs sold by a grocer, an average of
                                                              outcomes of what might be expected for the future and
          one of those eggs is cracked. Therefore, we expect that every
                                                              assumes that the environment will remain fairly stable. This
          time we buy three-dozen eggs, it is likely (though not
                                                              technique is particularly effective for companies that have a
          guaranteed) we will find one cracked. The more eggs we
                                                              large  amount  of  data  on  past  losses  and  that  have
          buy, the more likely this is. If we buy 12-dozen eggs, the
                                                              experienced stable operations. This type of analysis is
          likelihood that one for every three-dozen will be cracked
                                                              contrasted to trend analysis.
          increases. If we buy 18-dozen eggs, the likelihood that one
          for every three-dozen will be cracked increases even more.
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