Page 32 - Insurance Times May 2023
P. 32

Basic Elements of

          law of probability

          or law of large

          numbers                                                                            R. Venkatesan
                                                                                                BA BGL AII DIL


           The theory of probability (also known as probability theory or theoretical probability) is a statistical
           method used to predict the likelihood of a future outcome. This method is used by insurance
           companies as a basis for crafting a policy or arriving at a premium rate.

                               Part.II                           Lately, the co-operation took another form where it was
                                                                 agreed between the individual and the society to pay a
                                                                 certain sum in advance to be a member of the society.
          Applicability of probability in  insurance:
                                                                 The society by accumulating the funds,  guarantees
                                                                 payment of certain amount at the time of loss to any
          Principles of Insurance:
                                                                 member of the society. The accumulation of funds and
          The insurance is based upon (i) Principles of Co-operation and,  charging of the share from the member in advance
          (ii) Principles of Probability.                        became the job of one institution called insurer.

                                                                 Now it has become the duty and responsibility of the insurer
             Principles of Co-operation:
                                                                 to obtain adequate funds from the members of the society
             Insurance is  a co-operation device. If one person is
                                                                 to pay them at the happening of the insured risk. Thus,
             providing for his own losses, it cannot be strictly insurance
                                                                 the shares of loss took the form of premium. Today, all the
             because in insurance, the loss is shared by a group of
                                                                 insured give a premium to join the scheme of insurance.
             persons who are willing to co-operate. In ancient period,  Thus, the insured are co-operating to share the loss of an
             the persons of a group were willingly sharing the loss to
                                                                 individual by payment of a premium in advance.
             a member of the group. They used to share the loss to a
                                                                 Principles and Theory of Probability:
             member of the group.
                                                                 The theory of probability (also known as probability theory
             They used to share the loss at the time of damage. They
                                                                 or theoretical probability) is a statistical method used to
             collected enough funds from the society and paid to the
                                                                 predict the likelihood of a future outcome. This method
             dependents of the deceased or the persons suffering
                                                                 is used by insurance companies as a basis for crafting a
             property losses.
                                                                 policy or arriving at a premium rate. It also aims to
             The mutual co-operation was prevailing from the very  establish patterns for the occurrence of various types of
             beginning up to the era of Christ in most of the countries.  events by using mathematical or statistical methods.
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