Page 34 - Insurance Times May 2023
P. 34

If a house catches on fire, you have to pay Rs. 200,000  Insuring a smoker, then, is a greater financial risk given
                                                                 their higher probability of serious illness and, hence, of
             Every person pays you Rs. 20 a month, Rs. 240 per year
                                                                 filing a claim.
             Let's use our formula:
                                                                 Liability and Property:
             200,000 x (1000) =200 +( 240 x (999/1000)) = 200 +39.76
                                                                 Companies that provide property and liability insurance
                                                                 use probability to assess risks. Data show that the age
             So you'll make Rs. 39.76 on average per person insured.  and gender of the driver plays a role in the likelihood of
             Therefore you'll make 1000 x (39.76) = Rs. 39,760.
                                                                 an auto accident. The type of vehicle insured, the driver's
             Now this is a really simple example (with really small  geographic location and the number of miles driven
             numbers),  but  it's the same  math that insurance  regularly are additional factors the insurer considers
             companies hire statisticians to calculate for them. In fact,  when setting premium rates based on probability.
             there's a whole branch of mathematics related to this  The more miles a policyholder drives, for example, the
             concept called Actuarial Science and  By collecting lots  greater the probability he'll be involved in an accident.
             of small payments, insurers  know that probability will  Setting rates for homeowners insurance also involves
             protect them from the occasional loss and That's why  probability. Factors considered include the type of
             how the insurers stay in business.                  heating system in the home, the location and age of the
                                                                 property and any added security features it has.
          Applicability of  probability to Insurance:
          Generally,  rates will differ for policyholders  contracting Law of probability in  insurance :
          identical insurance policies depending on several analysable
                                                              Law of Large Numbers:
          rating factors. Insurance providers have good reasons for
                                                              It enables insurers to predict future loss experience.
          this practice. As part of the analytical procedures, insurers
          study statistics to calculate and manage risk when evaluating  In  probability theory, the law of large numbers is a theorem
          policy applications and setting premium rates. The results  that describes the result of performing the same experiment
          show that, based on probability, some individuals simply pose  a large number of times.
          a higher risk and are more likely to file claims.
                                                              According to the law of large numbers, the average of the
                                                              results obtained from a large number of trials should be close
             Health Insurance:
                                                              to the expected value, and will tend to become closer as
             Insurance underwriters use probability theory when
                                                              more trials are performed.
             evaluating policy applications. For example, policyholders
             who smoke tobacco are at a higher risk for developing  Insurance companies use the law of large numbers to lessen
             serious health problems. Statistics show that this often  their own risk of loss by pooling a large enough number of
             results in increased health insurance claims. The  people together in an insured group. The size of the pool
             applicant's age and geographic location also allow the  corresponds to the predictability of the losses, just like the
             underwriter to predict future claims based on probability.  more eggs we deal with, the more likely we are to know how
                                                              many will be cracked.
             Life Insurance and Annuities:
             Analysing mortality rates, the insurer considers where
             the policyholder lives and what socioeconomic factors
             apply to the policyholder's current age and health. This
             analysis helps the insurer determine rates and options
             for life insurance policies and annuities using probability
             theory to predict the number of years a policyholder will
             Insurance companies use this approach to draft and price
             policies. When issuing health insurance, for instance, the
             policy given to a smoker is likely more expensive than
             the one issued to a non-smoker. Statistical figures show
             a stronger association with a variety of health risks for
             habitual smokers or those with a history of smoking.

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