Page 33 - Insurance Times May 2023
P. 33

The loss in the shape of premium can be distributed only  Let's say you're sitting in your office, bored by whatever
             on the basis of theory of probability. The chances of loss  menial task is sitting in your inbox, and you decide to
             are estimated in advance to affix the amount of premium.  play a game. You pull out a coin and you see how many
             Since the degree of loss depends upon various factors,  heads you can flip in a row. You flip one or two heads in a
             the affecting factors are analysed before determining  row easily. But you start to find that it's much harder to
             the amount of loss. With the help of this principle, the  keep getting heads (assuming you're flipping fairly).
             uncertainty of loss is converted into certainty.
                                                                 This is because the probability of you flipping a head is 1/
             The insurer will have not to suffer loss as well have to  2 or 50%. But 2 heads in a row is (1/2) x (1/2) or 1/4 or
             gain windfall. Therefore, the insurer has to charge only  25%. So statistically you'll only flip 2 heads in a row once
             so much of amount which is adequate to meet the losses.  out of every 4 tries. That's discouraging. The probabilities
             The probability tells what the chances of losses are and  get lower and lower very quickly. The probability of
             what will be the amount of losses.                  flipping 6 heads in a row is 1/64 or 1.5%. You could try
                                                                 100 times and have it happen  only once or twice.
             The inertia of large number is applied while calculating
                                                                 Suddenly, your neglected paperwork seems much more
             the probability. The larger the number of exposed
             persons, the better and the more practical would be the
             findings of the probability. Therefore, the law of large  Let's say you get discouraged and you decide you're going
             number is applied in the principle of probability.  to play a different game instead. Let's also assume that
                                                                 you've grown up under a rock and you don't know that
             In each and every field of insurance the law of large number
                                                                 the probability of flipping a head is 50%. So you decide to
             is essential. These principles keep in account that the past
                                                                 record the number of heads and tails you flip.
             events will incur in the same inertia. The insurance, on
             the basis of past experience, present conditions and future  The first two coins you flip are heads and It appears as if
             prospects, fixes the amount of premium.             the rule is that every time you flip a coin, you get a head.
                                                                 The probability of flipping a head is 100% according to
             Without premium, no co-operation is possible and the
                                                                 your data  and You are unsure though, so  you  keep
             premium cannot be calculated without the help of theory
                                                                 flipping. Next is  a  tail. So you  were wrong and the
             of probability, and consequently no insurance is possible.
                                                                 probability of flipping a head must be 2/3 or 66% right
             So these two principles are the two main legs of
                                                                 and Because that's what you've flipped so far.
                                                                 As you continue playing this game, we both know that
             The insurer charges only so much of amount which is
                                                                 your record will get closer and closer to 50% as you flip
             adequate to meet the losses. Pooling of a large number
                                                                 more and more. In other words, because of what you
             of risks is very necessary for the successful operation of
                                                                 discovered with your first game, it gets harder and harder
             the theory of probability. The law of large numbers is a
                                                                 to  'fudge'  the  probability  the  more  you  flip.
             sub principle of the principle of probability.
                                                                 Mathematicians go one step farther to say that if you
                                                                 take any event and record lots and lots of trials, the
          Concept  of  Probability  Theory  and
                                                                 results get closer and closer to the actual probability
          Statistics:                                            with each new trial, eventually getting so close that you
                                                                 can just accept the result as the actual probability.
          A branch of mathematics, predicting random events  by
          analysing large quantities  of previous  similar events.  So what does this have to do with insurance? We know
          Probabilities in statistics are the mathematical odds that an  that insurance agencies insure lots of people (they have
          event will occur. To obtain a probability ratio, the number of  to, or else it wouldn't work, just like the coin). Every
          favourable results in a set is divided by the total number of  person pays a small amount of money each month and
          possible results in the set. The probability ratio expresses the  nothing happens to them. But every once in a while, an
          likelihood that the event will take place. This ratio is significant  insurance company will have to pay lots of money to a
          to insurance providers.                                single person.
                                                                 An insurance company that insures 1000 people. Let's
             Statistical  methods:                               say that 1 house will catch on  fire per year. So  the
             The first concept that insurance relies on is known to  probability of a house catching on fire is  (1/1000).
             statisticians as "the Law of Large numbers" and it's best  Therefore the probability of a house not catching on fire
             explained by example.                               is (999/1000)

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