Page 258 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 258

The Insurance Times

                     member or the provider and at times are a concerted effort of agents, brokers,
                     insurance employees, insured members, the service providers, and other
                     stakeholders of the healthcare system.

        Q3. Distinguish between health insurance and general insurance frauds.
        Ans. Health Insurance and Motor Insurance in General Insurance are most prone to

               frauds. Documents such as fake medical bills and certificates are commonly used
               to defraud insurance companies. These are followed by driving license and FIR
               related papers.

               There is a general perception among customers that the insurance company always
               pay less than what you claim for. This usually leads to exaggeration of claims. In
               Health Insurance frauds, it often requires co-operation from multiple stakeholders
               to organize a fraud.

               Though it sounds difficult to get fraudulent documents from Hospitals, or Clinics,
               once it happens, it becomes easy to lodge a fraudulent claim. So these days
               insurance companies enable various multi-dimensional analysis to identify
               fraudulent activities in the shortest possible time, to control claim leakage.
               Based on the pattern of analysis, many triggers are set to ensure that fraudulent
               claims are not paid.

        Q4. What are the triggers to detect fraud claims ?
        Ans. There are certain triggers to detect fraud claims. Some of them are :
        (i) Treatment costs are usually on the highest side as compared to the etiology.
        (ii) Costlier investigations are more.
        (iii) Diagnosisoftheailmentandtheinvestigationsdonearenotmuchrelatedto each other.

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