Page 291 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 291

Sashi Publications

8. Discuss the process involved in taking underwriting decisions.
9. Why standard or general exclusions are applied in a health insurance policy? List out

    some of the examples.
10. Discuss the important underwriting factors that must be considered in group health

    insurance policies.
11. What are the factors that must be considered in underwriting other than employer

    employee groups?
12. What is the use of genetics in underwriting?

CHAPTER - 5 : Health Insurance Policy Forms and Clauses
1. Discuss the important features of health insurance contract.
2. State the differences between insurance and other contracts.
3. What details of the applicant are usually sought in the proposal form?
4. What is the purpose of self declaration of health status by the proposer? List out

    some of the major diseases for which information may be asked.
5. What is the usual coverage and exclusions in hospitalization indemnity plans?
6. What benefits are provided by critical illness policies? On what factors critical illness

    products are designed? List out the common diseases covered?.
7. What is the rationale of offering benefit products? List out some of the products.
8. What are the benefits of disability benefit plans / Income Protection Plan?
9. What is the purpose of taking long term care plans?
10. What are the benefits of health savings or investment linked plans?
11. Why is group insurance policy issued? What are the critical factors for issuance of

    group insurance policy?
12. Write short note son :

    a) Limits of usage - 24 hours hospitalization
    b) Room rent
    c) Limits ofIndemnity

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