Page 47 - Banking Finance January 2025
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                 back to villages. The 15th Finance Commission had   farmers and ensuring their economic security. The
                 also noted that the slowdown in aggregate demand    scheme benefits small and marginal farmers with
                 during the pandemic had affected the primary sec-   cultivable land of up to 2 hectares. Eligible farmers
                 tor and severely hit the rural economy. Under the   receive an annual income support of Rs. 6,000,
                 scheme, the amount of work provided is measured     which is transferred directly to their bank accounts
                 through person days. During 2020-21, the total      in three installments of Rs. 2,000 each. PM-KISAN
                 person days of work generated was 389 crore. That   utilizes DBT to ensure timely and transparent trans-
                 declined in the next two years. In 2022-23, it was  fer of funds.
                 296 crore. But in 2023-24, as of August 2024, de-
                                                                     Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural
                 mand for work increased to 312 crore person days.   Livelihood Mission: The Deendayal Antyodaya
                 In 2023-24, the average days of employment per
                                                                     Yojana-National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-
                 household also saw an uptick. The percentage of     NRLM) aims to reduce poverty in rural areas by
                 people who obtained 100 days of employment rose     giving poor households access to finances and em-
                 from 6% in 2022-23 to 8% in 2023-24.
                                                                     ployment opportunities. The scheme attempts to
                                                                     mobilise households through  self-help groups
           Table: Person days of employment through                  (SHGs), create community funds, and enhance ac-
                             MGNREGS                                 cess to credit and financial services. In 2023-24, one
                                                                     of the targets under the scheme was to provide
           Year                       Amount in Crs
                                                                     credit access to 41 lakh SHGs through banking link-
           2018-19                        268.00
                                                                     age. The programme achieved 81% of its target,
           2019-20                        265.00                     providing bank linkage for 33.5 lakh SHGs. In terms
           2020-21                        389.00                     of providing financing, the programme had the
           2021-22                        363.00                     target of disbursing Rs 1,43,110 crore and achieved
                                                                     83% of its target with disbursement of Rs 1,19,270
           2022-23                        296.00
           2023-24                        312.00
                                                                     Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan: Atmanirbhar Bharat
          #Sources: MGNREGS Dashboard, as accessed on July 15,       Abhiyan (Self-Reliant India Mission) is a significant
          2024.                                                      initiative launched by the Government of India in

                 Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY): This        2020 to promote self-reliance and reduce depen-
                 financial inclusion scheme aims to provide basic    dence on imports. It aims to make India a global
                 banking facilities to the unbanked population, par-  manufacturing hub and enhance its economic self-
                 ticularly in rural areas. PMJDY is a financial inclu-  sufficiency.
                 sion scheme launched by the Government of India     Digital  India  Land  Records  Modernisation
                 in 2014. Its primary objective is to provide univer-
                                                                     Programme:  Digital  India  Land  Records
                 sal access to banking facilities to all Indian citizens,  Modernisation Programme (DILRMP). DILRMP was
                 especially those in rural areas and marginalized    launched in 2016 to modernise the management
                 sections of society. Eligible account holders can   of land records. The objective of the scheme is to
                 avail themselves of an overdraft facility of up to Rs.  provide access to comprehensive information about
                 5,000/-. All account holders are automatically eli-  land records, which would lead to, (i) optimum use
                 gible for accidental insurance coverage of Rs. 1    of land resources, (ii) reduction in the number of
                 lakh. Account holders can also opt for life insurance
                                                                     land disputes, and (iii) efficient collection of land rev-
                 coverage of Rs. 30,000 at a nominal premium.
                                                                     enue. DILRMP has been allocated Rs 141 crore in
                 Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN):       2024-25, which is 13% higher than the revised es-
                 PM-KISAN is a flagship government scheme in In-     timates for the previous year but 28% lower than
                 dia aimed at providing financial support to small   the budget estimate for that year. Apart from
                 and marginal farmers. It was launched in 2019 with  three years between 2017-18 to 2019-20, fund
                 the objective of supplementing the income of these  utilisation under the scheme has remained above

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