Page 48 - Banking Finance January 2025
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                 90%. In 2021-22 and 2022-23, the actual expendi-    connectivity to all eligible rural habitations. In 2024-
                 ture even exceeded the budget estimates. Data on    25, it has been allocated Rs 12,000 crore, 29% less
                 land records is available in the form of text and   than the revised estimate for 2023-24. PMGSY has
                 spatial data. Text data includes records of rights,  four verticals:-
                 which provide information about ownership of land,
                                                                     The first one targets habitats with a population of
                 its use and irrigation status. Spatial data involves
                                                                     more than 250 people and it was extended till Sep-
                 cadastral maps which contain information about
                                                                     tember 2022.
                 the division of land and boundaries. Under the
                                                                     The second vertical targets to upgrade 50,000 km
                 programme, cadastral maps are being digitised
                                                                     of roads which are through routes and act as ma-
                 with modern Geographic Information System (GIS)
                 encoding.                                           jor links.
         2. Social Initiatives                                       The third vertical, launched in 2019, targets to con-
                                                                     solidate 1.2 lakh km of roadways that connects
                 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA): This program aims
                 to provide universal elementary education to all chil-  markets and city centres.
                 dren, including those in rural areas. is a flagship gov-  The Road Connectivity Project for Left Wing Ex-
                 ernment program in India aimed at providing uni-    tremism Affected Areas (RCPLWEA) was launched
                 versal elementary education to all children aged 6-  as a separate vertical in 2016 and was to be imple-
                 14 years. Launched in 2001, SSA focuses on ensur-   mented till March, 2023. As of July, 2024, out of
                 ing that all children, regardless of their gender,  the 8,22,351 km of road sanctioned under the
                 caste, or socioeconomic background, have access     scheme, 92% of the roads have been completed.
                 to quality education.
                                                              Table: Length of road sanctioned and completed
                 Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Gramin): Focuses on
                 housing for all, targeting to build millions of afford-  under different verticals of PMGSY (in km)
                 able homes  for  the  rural  poor  PMAY  (G)  was
                                                               Vertical  Sanctioned  Completed     Completion
                 launched in 2016 to address gaps in the demand                                       Rate
                 and supply of rural housing. It aimed to ensure
                                                               PMGSY I     6,44,885    6,24,129       97%
                 housing for all by 2022. Based on the Socio Eco-
                 nomic and Caste Census (SECC), 2011, the housing  PMGSY II  49,857     48,874        98%
                 shortage in rural areas was estimated to be 4.03  PMGSY III  1,15,446  77,879        67%
                 crore. PMAY(G) had the target to build 2.95 crore  RCPLWEA  12,163      8,961        74%
                 pucca houses in rural areas in two phases. In Phase
                 I, the target was to build one crore houses between  Total  8,22,351  7,59,844       92%
                 2016 and 2019. In Phase II, 1.95 crore houses were  #Sources: PMGSY Dashboard as accessed on July 15, 2024
                 targeted to be built between 2019 and 2022. By      National Health Mission (NHM): NHM is a flagship
                 2022, a total of 2.10 crore houses had been com-    health initiative launched by the Government of
                 pleted under both the phases. The programme was     India in 2005. It aims to improve the health status
                 extended till March, 2024 to meet the targets. For  of the people of India, especially women, children,
                 2024-25, the scheme has been allocated Rs 54,500    and those in rural areas. The mission is imple-
                 crore, an increase of 70% over the revised estimate  mented in partnership with states and union terri-
                 of 2023-24.                                         tories. NHM aims to reduce maternal mortality
                 Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY): To        ratio (MMR) to 100 per 100,000 live births by 2025.
                 enhances rural connectivity by building all-weather  The mission seeks to reduce infant mortality rate
                 roads to unconnected villages the government had    (IMR) to 28 per 1,000 live births by 2025.
                 launched the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana       National Rural Health Mission (NRHM): NRHM
                 (PMGSY) in 2000 to address poor connectivity in     was a flagship health initiative launched by the Gov-
                 rural areas. The scheme is being implemented        ernment of India in 2005 with the aim of improv-
                 across four verticals to provide all weather road   ing  healthcare  delivery  in  rural  areas.  It  was

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