Page 51 - Banking Finance January 2025
P. 51


                             Banking Beyond Borders

               Author:                                                                        Reviewed by:
               Shri Mohan Vasant Tanksale                                                   Er. Sunil Dasari
               Former CMD of Central Bank of India &                                        Senior Manager
               CEO of Indian Banks Association                                Bank of Maharashtra, HO, Pune
               Published by:
               IndiePress, Bangalore-560 029
               Price: ` 249

                                   "Banking  Beyond  Borders"  ined in the Chapter entitled "Financial and Digital Inclusion
                                   constitutes a compelling liter-  Now and the Future," which discusses aspects such as the
                                   ary work that imparts valu-  acceleration of Payment Systems and the simplification of
                                   able  insights  from  an  Es-  the Lending Process.
                                   teemed Veteran in the Bank-  Within the chapter regarding the Hand of Technology, Shri
                                   ing Sector.                Mohan addresses topics such as the Loan Automation System,
                                   I had the privilege of engag-  customer engagement in the digital age, and the strategic use
                                   ing  with  the  Book  Titled  of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) events to enhance cus-
                                   "Banking  Beyond  Borders,"  tomer interaction, which collectively serve to underscore the
                                   and I found the experience to  significance of the customer within the banking ecosystem,
                                   be profoundly enriching, par-  emphasizing that without customers, banking cannot exist.
                                   ticularly in light of my Profes-
                                                              Recovery is posited as the Fundamental "Life Line" of the
                                   sional background in Banking.
                                                              Banking System, analogous to the Circulatory System within
          The exploration of such Book serves to inspire Bankers to  the Human Body; should Banking Assets become ensnared
          enact positive contributions to Society via their engagement  in Non-performing Assets, the Vital Recycling of Funds will
          in the Banking Profession.                          cease to occur. The Cessation of this fund recycling will in-
          The Book comprises Twelve Distinct Chapters, each present-  evitably Halt Banking Operations, thereby undermining Cus-
          ing engaging Content; throughout the reading  process,  tomer Confidence and Damaging the Institution's Reputa-
          Banking Professionals will acquire valuable insights through  tion. This Crucial Information is thoroughly articulated by Shri
          the shared experiences of Shri Mohan, which articulate  Vasant in the Chapter Titled "Follow Your CEO Instinct."
          pertinent Banking Knowledge that is readily accessible to
                                                              Another Compelling Chapter within "Banking Beyond Borders"
          Banking Practitioners in the Field.
                                                              is "Think Like a CEO," in which Shri Tanksale asserts that "If
          Upon initiating the Reading, a compelling interest is culti-  you believe you are the CEO of your Branch or Department,
          vated, motivating readers to progress to subsequent Chap-  the Simple Process of Due Diligence and Proper Governance is
          ters with anticipation regarding the Salient Points elucidated  extremely crucial to all Your Work and also Your Career as a
          in the narratives of a seasoned Banking Professional who has  Banker." In my assessment, whether one serves as a Branch
          held Senior Positions within Public Sector Banks and the In-  Manager or a Regional Manager, possessing Micro-level Knowl-
          dian Banks Association. I will delineate a few of these note-  edge to deliver exemplary Customer Service at the Branch
          worthy aspects here.                                Level, along with a Macro-level understanding of the Banking
                                                              Sector's Significance, is imperative for the sustainable growth
          Shri Mohan Vasant Tanksale elucidated his active participa-
                                                              of the Banking Industry within the Economy.
          tion and contributions to the Financial Sector during his ten-
          ure as Chairman and Managing Director of the Central Bank  This understanding is Essential for all Bankers, as it is widely rec-
          of India, as well as his role as CEO of the Indian Banks Asso-  ognized that "Banking is the Backbone of the Indian Economy,"
          ciation. These experiences are encapsulated in the chapter  and the Development of the Three Critical Sectors like Agricul-
          titled "Looking Back at the Future."                ture (Primary), Industry (Secondary), and Services (Tertiary) is
                                                              intrinsically linked to the Health of the Banking Sector.
          The Transformation brought about by Digital Advancements
          in the Banking System, transitioning from Traditional Branch  I extend my heartfelt Wishes for an Enriching reading Expe-
          Banking to Mobile Banking (A Bank in Your Hand), is exam-  rience to all Esteemed Readers and Happy New Year 2025.

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