Page 26 - Banking Finance May 2020
P. 26


         banks declined the offer. Some other  Not only did the Bank deposit expand in this time, bank credit also expanded at
         reasons for nationalisation of banks  almost the same rate. The banks were now providing credit to the agriculture
         were the 1962 war with China, 1965  sector, small industries and trade along with credit to large corporate and export
         war with Pakistan and two successive  houses.
         years of drought that had put pressure
         on public finances. This was the   Priority Sector lending:
         backdrop for nationalisation of Banks.
                                            A working group on priority sector lending was formed under the chairmanship
         In the words of the Late Prime Minister  of Dr. K.S. Krishnaswami. On his recommendations, in 1980, RBI issued directives
         Smt. Indira Gandhi during her Lok
                                            to Banks regarding priority sector lending. The directives included
         Sabha speech on 29th July 1969
                                                Priority sector lending should be 40 percent of total bank advances.
         "Purpose of nationalization is to
         promote rapid growth in agriculture,     Out of priority sector lending 40 percent should go to agriculture.
         small industries and export, to        50 percent of direct lending to agriculture should go to weaker section in
         encourage new entrepreneurs and to     agriculture and allied activities.
         develop all backward areas".
                                                12 percent of bank credit should go to exporters.
         Branch, Deposit and                Public Sector Banks took an active part in Priority Sector lending and were
         Credit Expansion:                  instrumental in achieving majority of the targets set by RBI.  The loan portfolio
                                            of these sectors has grown exponentially as illustrated in table 1.
         Earlier, branches were concentrated in
         urban and metropolitan areas but after                                                        (In crores)
         nationalisation, banks expanded their  S.No Priority sector     June   June March    March    March
         branch network at a very rapid pace.                            1969   1971 2005     2009     2018
         There were only 8260 branches in 1969  1  Agriculture           160    340  109917   298211   932100
         out of which only 1860, i.e., 22% were  2  Small scale Industries  260  440  68000   191307   331700
         rural branches. At the end of June
                                             3     Other priority sector  20    130  125114   230565   594600
         2018, there were 90821 public sector
         bank branches, out of which 54598,  4     Total priority sector  440   910  307046   720083   1858400
         i.e., 60.11% branches are in rural and    advance
         semi urban areas. This has helped in  (Source: RBI Trends and progress of banking in India, 2007-08, 2017-18, 2018-
         integrating the rural and urban areas.  19)
         Branch expansion helped in organising
         the money market in India, which was  Social Banking:
         unorganised prior to nationalisation.
                                            At the time of nationalization, the then prime minister pointed out 'An institution
         Branch Expansion of Public Sector
                                            such as banking has necessarily to be inspired by a large social purpose and has
         Banks also helped in deposit
                                            to sub serve national priorities and objectives'.  PSBs were not only doing Priority
                                            sector lending, they were also used by the Government for social and poverty
         As per the RBI report dated        alleviation programme. Banks were involved in two types of social banking (i)
                                            Non lending social activities and (ii) lending social activities. Non lending banking
         30.06.2011, deposit growth of all
         schedule commercial banks increased 7  social activities included mobilization of rural deposit, expansion of branches in
                                            rural areas etc. and lending activities included activities financed by Commercial
         times during 1951-1971, 33 times
                                            banks. The Government launched many schemes and some of the schemes
         during 1971-1991 and 23 times during
         1991-2010. The growth of deposits  envisaged by the Government and put in place through PSBs are the following:
                                                Differential Interest Rate (DRI):- Banks were asked to give loans to below
         between 1971-1991, is mainly
         attributed to the PSBs and their branch  poverty line customers at concessional interest rate of 4 percent.
         expansion.                             Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP): This programme was

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