Page 27 - Banking Finance May 2020
P. 27


             introduced in 1978-79 and aimed at alleviating rural  of the Banks have migrated to core banking platform within
             poverty by providing income generating assets to the  a short span of time. They started opening ATMs, delivering
             poorest of poor.                                 PoS machines, started offering Net banking and introduced
             Pradhan Mantri Gram Awas Yojana: This scheme was  advanced digital products.
             started in 1985 with the idea of housing for all. Under
             the scheme loans were given to rural people at Public Sector Banks and subprime crisis:
             subsidized rates.                                After the collapse of Lehman brothers due to subprime crisis,
             Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), now  it was forecasted that it will hamper Indian economy and
             National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM): It is  Indian banks. But, Indian banks especially Public Sector
             poverty alleviation programme implemented by     Banks successfully weathered the crisis. During 2007-08 and
             Ministry of Rural Development. This focuses on   2008-09 PSBs in India were having Return on Asset (ROA)
             promoting self employment and organization of rural  at 1%, which is considered good as ROA had been negative
             poor.                                            all over the world. When capital was eroding all over the
                                                              world and Banks required fresh capital infusion, Capital
         Apart from these  schemes, Prime Ministers Rozgar Yojana  adequacy improved in FY'2008-09 in India. It was also
         (PMRY),  Pradhan mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY),   forecasted that Non Performing Assets (NPA) will increase
         Sampoorn Gramin Rozgar Yojana (SGRY) ,National Rural  in India after the crisis, which actually did not happen. Public
         Employment generation scheme (NREGS) etc. were rolled  sector Banks with their time-tested approach for lending
         out through PSBs. Public Sector Banks are continuously  saved the country from crisis.
         supporting the Government in achieving their social
         objectives.                                          Financial Inclusion:
                                                              Thrust of financial inclusion came when Reserve Bank of
         Economic Reforms:                                    India in its annual policy statement of 2005 asked banks to
         Economic reforms of 1991 gave way to new age private  reach towards the masses and provide the banking facilities
         sector banks like ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, Kotak  at a place of their convenience. Biggest change came in,
         Mahindra Bank etc. and foreign banks like CITI Bank,  when from the ramparts of Redfort , on 15th August 2014,
         Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC Bank etc. These banks came  Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, announced one of the
         with:-                                               biggest financial inclusion drives (Jan Dhan Yojana) in the
             Sounder technology like ATM, PoS, Internet Banking,  world. The main purpose of the scheme was to transfer
             Mobile Banking etc.                              subsidies directly into the accounts. Public Sector Banks were
                                                              instrumental in opening Jan Dhan Accounts. They organized
             Personalised banking and financial services to high net
             worth individuals.                               camps from village to village and worked relentlessly to
                                                              achieve the desired results. It was a Herculean Task as every
             Dedicated Relationship Manager assigned to the   bank was given only 6 months time to achieve a specified
             customer.                                        target. Public Sector Banks lived upto the Governments

             Door step delivery of loans.                     expectations.
             Customisation of products according to the needs of the
                                                              As per data available from Department of Financial services,
                                                              Ministry of Finance, as on 18.09.2019, total number of Jan
         On one hand PSBs were directed to achieve Priority sector  Dhan Accounts opened are 37.05 crores out of which nearly
         lending targets, social scheme targets and on the other  29.46 crores were opened by the PSBs This is nearly 79.50
         hand they had to focus on competing with these Private and  percent of the total jan dhan accounts opened. Regional
         foreign players who were better equipped, technologically  Rural banks opened only 17 percent and private banks
         and professionally. Public Sector Banks started losing their  opened only 3.50 percent of total Jandhan accounts. This is
         market share. Considering this the Public sector banks  despite the fact that Private Sector Banks constitute nearly
         started evolving rapidly by improving their technology. Most  25 percent of the total banking business.

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                                  MAY | 2020 | 27
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