Page 44 - Banking Finance May 2020
P. 44


             contained that the President shall declare no 5. The Fundamental Rights under Article 19 are
             proclamation unless the same has been communicated  automatically suspended and this suspension continues
             to him in writing by the Union Cabinet.             till the end of the emergency.
         3. 352(4): Every proclamation before being passed is
                                                              But according to the 44th Amendment, Freedoms listed in
             presented before each house of Parliament, namely the
                                                              Article 19 can be suspended only in case of proclamation on
             Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha and needs the assent of
                                                              the ground of war or external aggression. From the above
             both the houses. If within the period of 1 month the  discussion, it becomes quite clear that emergency not only
             proclamation is not assented to, then it ceases to
                                                              suspends the autonomy of the States but also converts the
             operate. The time period was decreased as an effect of
                                                              federal structure of India into a unitary one. Still it is
             the 44th amendment
                                                              considered necessary as it equips the Union Government
                                                              with vast powers to cope up with the abnormal situations.
         Effects of national emergency
         The declaration of National Emergency effects both on the What is Article 356 (President Rule)?
         rights of individuals and the autonomy of the states in the  (1) If the President, on receipt of a report from the
         following manner:                                       Governor of a State or otherwise, is satisfied that a
         1. The most significant effect is that the federal form of  situation has arisen in which the Government of the
             the Constitution changes into unitary. The authority of  State cannot be carried on in accordance with the
             the Centre increases and the Parliament assumes the  provisions of this Constitution, the President may by
             power to make laws for the entire country or any part  Proclamation-
             thereof, even in respect of subjects mentioned in the
                                                                 (a) assume to himself all or any of the functions of the
             State List.
                                                                     Government of the State and all or any of the
         2. The President of India can issue directions to the states  powers vested in or exercisable by the Governor or
             as to the manner in which the executive power of the    any body or authority in the State other than the
             states is to be exercised.                              Legislature of the State;

                                                                 (b) declare that the powers of the Legislature of the
         3. During the emergency period, the Lok Sabha can extend    State shall be exercisable by or under the authority
             tenure by a period of 1 year at a time. But the same    of Parliament;
             cannot be extended beyond 6 months after the        (c) make such incidental and consequential provisions
             proclamation ceases to operate. The tenure of State     as appear to the President to be necessary or
             Assemblies can also be extended in the same manner.     desirable for giving effect to the objects of the
         4. During emergency, the President is empowered to          Proclamation, including provisions for suspending in
             modify the provisions regarding distribution of revenues  whole or in part the operation of any provisions of
             between the Union and the States.                       this Constitution relating to any body or authority
                                                                     in the State: Provided that nothing in this clause
                                                                     shall authorize the President to assume to himself
                                                                     any of the powers vested in or exercisable by a High
                                                                     Court, or to suspending whole or in part the
                                                                     operation of any provision of this Constitution
                                                                     relating to High Courts. Duty of the Union to
                                                                     protect States against external aggression and
                                                                     internal disturbance. Provisions in case of failure of
                                                                     constitutional machinery in States.
                                                              (2) Any such Proclamation may be revoked or varied by a
                                                                 subsequent Proclamation.

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