Page 43 - Banking Finance May 2020
P. 43


                                                                 (a) to the Speaker, if the House is in session; or

                                                                 (b) to the President, if the House is not in session, a
                                                                     special sitting of the House shall be held within 14
                                                                     days from the date on which such notice is received
                                                                     by the Speaker, or, as the case may be, by the
                                                                     President, for the purpose of considering such
                                                              (9) The power conferred on the president by this article
                                                                 shall issue power to issue different proclamation on
                                                                 different grounds, being war or external aggression or
                                                                 armed rebellion or immitent danger of war or external
                                                                 aggression or armed rebellion, whether or not there is
                                                                 a proclamation already issued by president under
                                                                 clause(1), and such proclamation is in operation.

                                                              National Emergency Under Article 352
             Proclamation has been passed by the Council of States
             but no resolution with respect to the continuance in  During a national emergency, many Fundamental Rights of
                                                              Indian citizens can be suspended. The six freedoms under
             force of such Proclamation has been passed by the
             House of the People during the said period, the  Right to Freedom are automatically suspended. By contrast,
             Proclamation shall cease to operate at the expiration  the Right to Life and Personal Liberty cannot be suspended
                                                              according to the original Constitution.
             of thirty days from the date on which the House of the
             People first sits after its reconstitution unless before the
             expiration of the said period of thirty days, a resolution  In January 1977, during the emergency declared
                                                              controversially by Indira Gandhi, the government decided
             approving the continuance in force of the Proclamation
             has been also passed by the House of the People.  to suspend even the Right to Life and Personal Liberty by
                                                              dispensing with Habeas corpus. Justice Hans Raj Khanna
         (6) For the purposes of clauses (4) and (5), a resolution may
                                                              defended the Right to Life and asked: "Life is also mentioned
             be passed by either House of Parliament only by a
                                                              in Article 21 and would Government argument extend to it
             majority of the total membership of that House and by  also?". The Attorney General observed: "Even if life was
             a majority of not less than two-thirds of the Members
                                                              taken away illegally, courts are helpless".
             of that House present and voting.
         (7) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing  A national emergency modifies the federal system of
             clauses, the President shall revoke a Proclamation issued  government to a unitary one by granting Parliament the
             under clause (1) or a Proclamation varying such  power to make laws on the 66 subjects of the State List
             Proclamation if the House of the People passes a  (which contains subjects on which the state governments
             resolution disapproving, or, as the case may be,  can make laws). Also, all state money bills are referred to
             disapproving the continuance in force of, such   the Parliament for its approval. During an emergency, the
             Proclamation.                                    term of the Lok Sabha can be successively extended by
                                                              intervals of up to one year, but not beyond six months after
         (8) Where a notice in writing signed by not less than one-
                                                              the state of emergency has been revoked.
             tenth of the total number of members of the House of
             the People has been given, of their intention to move a  Few more facts-
             resolution for disapproving, or, as the case may be, for
                                                              1. Article 352(2): A proclamation issued Article 352(1) can
             disapproving the continuance in force of, a Proclamation
                                                                 be revoked by a subsequent proclamation.
             issued under clause (1) or a Proclamation varying such
             Proclamation,-                                   2. 44th Amendment introduced A. 352(3) wherein it

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