Page 38 - Banking Finance May 2020
P. 38


         include banks launching separate E banking services apart  transactions to payment cards (debit and credit cards) and
         from traditional banking services.                   to electronic channels like ATMs, Internet Banking and
                                                              Mobile Banking. It leads to the creation of online frauds in
         Retail Lending: Recently banks have adopted customer  the minds of the fraudsters. Fraudsters also follow
         segmentation which has helped in customizing their product  customers into this space. There is also a lack of
         folios well. Thus retail lending has become a focus area .The  homogeneity and transparency amongst banks on the
         introduction of retail loans (home loan, personal loan) in  reporting of these instances as frauds. has also enhanced the
         opportunities for banks to increase their retail lending  The definition of banking frauds is as follows
         portfolio.                                           "A deliberate act of omission or commission by any
                                                              person, carried out in the course of a banking
         Rural area customers: Even after the Pradhan Mantri transaction or in the books of accounts maintained
         Jandhan Yojna, there are many areas particularly rural which  manually or under computer system in banks,
         are unbanked. Banks can use the technology to extend
                                                              resulting into wrongful gain to any person for a
         banking services to those areas also by the services of  temporary period or otherwise, with or without
         bankmitra with POS device. The banks should tap the rural
         market in the years to come.                         any monetary loss to the bank".

                                                              In simple language, Online Banking Fraud is a fraud or theft
         Offering various Channels: Banks can offer so many
                                                              committed using online technology to illegally remove
         channels to access their banking and other services such as
                                                              money from a bank account and/or transfer money to an
         ATM, Local branches, phone banking, mobile banking, etc.
         to increase the banking business.                    account in a different bank. It is a form of identity theft and
                                                              is usually made possible through techniques such as phishing,
                                                              lottery fraud scam etc. Generally, the user identity is the
         Other Opportunities: There are many other opportunities
                                                              customer identity number and password is provided to
         in future in the field of Indian banking sector e.g. to enter
                                                              secure transactions.
         new business and new markets, to improve efficiency, to
         deliver high level of customer services and better risk
                                                              But due to some ignorance, silly mistakes or greed for money
                                                              customer can easily fall into the trap of internet scams or
                                                              frauds done by the fraudsters. India's central bank, the
         Future Prospects
                                                              Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has revealed that it discovered
         Everyone today is convinced that the technology is going to
         hold the key to future of banking. The achievements in the
         banking today would not have make possible without IT
         revolution. The adoption of technology in banks continues
         at a rapid pace but the concentration is more in the metros
         and urban areas. More and more programs and software
         in regional languages could be introduced to cater to the
         needs of people from the rural segments also.

         IT Security & Fraud Risk Management
         The increasing use of technology in banks has also brought
         up "security" concerns. In order to avoid any mishap on this
         account, banks should have in place a well-documented
         security policy including information security, cyber security,
         network security and internal security. Most banks in India
         have migrated to core banking platforms and have moved

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