Page 37 - Banking Finance May 2020
P. 37


         customers can now carry out transaction on mobile banking
         apps. Most of the banks in India have launched apps for
         mobile banking. Examples are YONO by SBI, UMobile by
         Union Bank, M connect plus by Bank Of Baroda etc.

         Tele Banking: Tele Banking allows the customer to do
         entire non-cash related banking on telephone. Under this
         IVR (interactive voice response) system is used for simpler
         queries and transactions. For complicated queries and
         transactions, manned phone terminals are used.

         Lobby Banking:  It implies, primarily machine based
         banking and all the transactions and enquiries are carried
         out by customers on self-managed machines in a lobby  segmentation which has helped in customizing their product
         premises. The machines are ATM, CRM (Cash Recycler   folios well. Thus retail lending has become a focus area
         Machine), Self-passbook printing machine, CDM (Cheque  particularly in respect of financing of consumer durables,
         Deposit Machine).                                    personal vehicles etc.

         Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): Electronic Data Lack of infrastructure & awareness: It is due to lack
         Interchange is the electronic exchange of business   of awareness regarding technology that customers are not
         documents like purchase order, invoices, shipping notices,  gaining momentum in its used form. There is lack of proper
         receiving advices etc. in a standard, computer processed,  infrastructure for the installation of E-delivery channels.
         universally accepted format between trading partners. EDI  Educating customers and staff about technical changes is a
         can also be used to transmit financial information and  big challenge for banking companies.
         payments in electronic form.
                                                              Security challenge:  The main disadvantage of IT in
         Social Media: Most of the banks in India are now having  banking is the security problems that surround it. It is a fact
         an active presence on social media. Bank have their  that making transactions online possess a much bigger risk
         Facebook pages , LinkedIn profiles, YouTube channels,  in comparison to making transactions in a brick and mortar
         twitter and Instagram profile to be in touch with customers  branch. Combating security problems like hacking, identity
         and respond to them 24*7 basis. Social media is also a very  theft is also a big challenge.
         strong platform for marketing of new products and receive
         feedback from customers without direct interaction.  Risk Management:  Managing risk arising out of
                                                              technological advancement in banking is a great challenge
         Challenges for Banks                                 for banking sector. The attackers are very innovative and
                                                              they fabricate various methods to commit cyber-crimes on
         With the technological reforms in banking sector, the
                                                              customers to get access to their account numbers/
         expectations of customers are rising high which has led to
         the following challenges before banking sector.      passwords and they attack banks in order to get access to
                                                              confidential information.
         Customer Satisfaction:  Today in banking sector
         customers are more value oriented in their services because  Opportunities
         they have alternative choices in it. So that each and every  The doors of new opportunities opened by technology for
         bank have to take care about fulfilling the customers  the development of banking sector are mentioned below:
         satisfaction.                                        E banking coverage: It is clear that with the usage of
                                                              technology, anytime anywhere banking is very common and
         Retail Lending: Recently banks have adopted customer  banks have opportunity to upscale. Such up scaling could

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