Page 33 - Banking Finance May 2020
P. 33


                                                                                       EIU Projection

                                                                                       India’s growth may be slashed
                                                                                       to 2.1% but given the
                                                                                       projection, looks like India will
                                                                                       show the highest rate of GDP
                                                                                       growth among G20 countries.
                                                                                       Also, as per EIU, India will be
                                                                                       among top three countries in
                                                                                       G20, along with China and
                                                                                       Indonesia that shall avoid
                                                                                       recession this year.

         Since, there might be trade disturbance between China and
         global market. India can take this situation as an export
         opportunity window to expand its exports. It is difficult to
         comprehend this opportunity, given India-China trade
         relations. However, over the last 5 years, there is slight
         decrease in India’s dependency on China.

                                                              Industries to be Benefitted

                                                              Due to Lockdown, there is an upside in the industries of
                                                              Digital Media, Consumer staples and Telecom. Further, the
                                                              Consumer sentiments are depicting that there shall be spurt
                                                              in essentials, savings, health & wellness, at-home
                                                              entertainment, and education over the period of next 6

                                                              The resistance of Indian Economy
                                                              Looking at the past crises, Indian economy has shown
                                                              resilience through V shaped recoveries.
                                                              Asian Financial Crises (1997)
                                                              Agricultural Crises (2002-03)
         India is now attempting to develop ecosystem in India. This  Global Financial Crises (2007-08)
         might be the perfect time promote and accelerate “Make  Demonetization (2016-17)
         in India”. Given India has lower labour cost as compared to
         China, complete ecosystem should be developed to     2008 Recession can act as a starting point to recover from
         manufacture for global market.                       this fatal economic blow.

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