Page 39 - Banking Finance May 2020
P. 39


                                                              Spyware: Spyware such as Trojan horse is generally
                                                              considered to be software that is installed on a computer
                                                              without the knowledge of the user and may take personal
                                                              information, business information, bandwidth; or processing
                                                              capacity and secretly gives it to someone else.

                                                              Card skimming: Card skimming is the illegal copying and
                                                              capture of credentials and PIN data on credit and debit
                                                              cards. Skimming can occur at any bank ATM or via a
                                                              compromised EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of
                                                              Sale) machine. Captured card and PIN details are encoded
                                                              onto a counterfeit card and used to make fraudulent
                                                              account withdrawals and transactions.

         around 50,000 cyber frauds in the country's Scheduled  ATM Skimming: Fraudsters can attach false casings and
         Commercial Banks (SCB) in 2018-19 fiscal. In reply to an RTI  PIN pad overlay devices onto genuine existing ATMs, or they
         (Right to Information) query, the RBI stated that    can attach a camouflaged skimming device onto a card
         cybercrimes are related to ATM, debit and credit cards, and  reader entry used in tandem with a concealed camera to
         internet banking. It notified that over 50,547 banking frauds  capture and record PIN entry details.
         occurred in the SCBs that resulted in a loss worth of Rs.
         145.08 crore in the last fiscal. According to the RBI, the total EFTPOS Skimming: Electronic Fund Transfer at Point of
         number of banking frauds, including cyber, detected in all  Sale. A foreign device is implanted into an EFTPOS machine
         the SCBs are 59,826 and the loss incurred is around Rs.  that is capable of copying and capturing card and PIN details
         67,432.26 crore. More than 4,269 frauds occurred due to  processed through the machine. A compromised EFTPOS
         insiders in the banks, involving Rs. 1,014.97 crore loss during  terminal can only be detected by a physical inspection.
         the period, RBI added.
                                                              Cracking: Cracking includes gaining illegal entry into a PC
         Techniques of online banking frauds                  system. Nowadays, the Cracking of IP addresses is very
                                                              universal as it permits the crackers to imagine a fake online
         The following are some types of fraud are taking places in
         the recent time; these frauds mostly are performed by  character and carry out illegal dealings exclusive of using
                                                              his factual individuality.
         Phishing:  A person's personal details are obtained by
                                                              Identity theft: A large number of identity theft crimes
         fraudsters posing as bankers, who launch a site similar to
                                                              occur over the internet. Criminals can get a hold of your
         that of the person's bank. They are asked to provide all
         personal information about themselves and their account  personal information through your computer and then set
                                                              up fake bank accounts or take put loans in your name.
         to the bank on account of database up gradation. The
         number and password are then used to carry out
         transactions on their behalf without their knowledge.  Fraud Risk Management:
                                                              There is need for a proper and comprehensive fraud
         Spam: Spam is an electronic 'junk mail' or unwanted  governance standard. The fraud risk management and fraud
         messages sent to your email account or mobile phone. They  investigation must be owned by the banks itself.
         may try to persuade you to buy a product or service, or visit
                                                              The following are the some ways of fraud risk
         a website where you can make purchases; or they may
         attempt to trick you into divulging your bank account or management.
         credit card details by clicking on some links provided in the     Every banking company must maintain strong
         spam mail.                                              "Transaction Monitoring Team". The role of transaction

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