Page 23 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 23



                             Abstract                         Understanding the term 'Cryptocurrency'

           Finance has long been a very conventional field with no  Y  Before defining cryptocurrency, we must understand the
           major breakthroughs happening for many years until the  characteristics of currency. A well-functioning currency
           introduction of Bitcoin in 2008 by an anonymous person/  should have 3 functions:
           group going by the name of Santoshi Nakamoto. Some    Q   Store of Value: Store of Value means that the value
           people look at cryptocurrency as a major technical        of a currency should be stable over time. Due to
           breakthrough in the field of Finance that has the potential  high volatility this criterion is not met by
           to change the way we transact, while some look at it with  cryptocurrencies.
           skepticism since it can lead to increase in underground  Q  Unit of Account: Unit of account means that
           transactions. Through this paper we first try to          money should allow us to easily determine the value
           understand what does 'Cryptocurrency' mean and briefly    for goods and services and allow us to compare
           explain how does blockchain works,then whether truly      them to each other. The volatility of Bitcoin makes
           cryptocurrencies are fool proof with no chance of fraud,  it difficult for us to consider it as a unit of account.
           and lastly,Reserve Bank of India's opinion on
                                                                 Q   Medium of Exchange: Medium of Exchange means
           cryptocurrencies. The universe of cryptocurrencies        that money should allow buyers and sellers to make
           comprises of various tokens and talking about each one    transactions. Bitcoin partially fulfills this criterion
           of them is beyond the scope of this paper. In this paper  but slow transaction speeds, high volatility poses
           we try to focus only on Bitcoin.
                                                                     some hurdles.
                                                                 Since cryptocurrencies do not fulfill these criteria
                               About the author                  defining cryptocurrency as 'virtual currency' would not
                                                                 be inaccurate.
                         Navnit Kumar
                         Senior Manager (Faculty)             Y  Now coming to Cryptocurrency, the Inter
                         Union Bank of India                     RegulatoryWorking Group on Fintech and Digital
                         Staff Training Centre, Gurugram         Banking set by RBI in 2017, defines cryptocurrency as

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