Page 24 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 24


             digital representations of value, issued by private  approving a transaction before it is added to the block is
             developers and denominated in their own unit of  fool proof as long as the " honest nodes collectively control
             account. They also added that cryptocurrencies are not  more CPU power than any other cooperating group of
             necessarily attached to a fiat currency but are accepted  attackers". This means that if a group of attackers can get
             by natural or legal person as a means of exchange.  more than 51% CPU power they can get around the system
                                                              and manipulate it according to their will. This loophole is
         Brief understanding of Blockchain and                referred to as the known limitation of 'the proof of work'.

                                                              Instances of Cryptocurrency Hijacking
         Blockchain technology is like a digital public ledger where
                                                              Y As per Coinbase- a cryptocurrency exchange platform,
         all the transactions and digital events that have taken place
         are recorded. Every transaction that is recorded on     they noticed some anomalies in the Ethereum Classic
         blockchain has to be verified by the consensus of majority  blockchain on 1st May2019 which led them to halt all
         of network participants and once a transaction has been  interactions with the Ethereum Classic Blockchain. After
                                                                 a few days it was discovered that it was a coordinated
         included in the chain of blocks it can't be erased without
                                                                 attack on the ETC's blockchain and in total 219,500 ETC
         the consensus of a majority of network participants.
                                                                 whose value was approximately around $1.1 million,
                                                                 though none of the Coinbase accounts were impacted
         Bitcoin is one of the first cryptocurrency which was coined
         using blockchain technology. Traditionally while transacting  by the attack.
         online there is a need for a trusted third party to verify each  Y On 10th August 2021, the largest cryptocurrency hack
         transaction but Bitcoin eliminates the need for any third  was reported. Polynetwork, a decentralised finance
         party to verify each and every transaction instead it uses a  platform that connects different blockchains so that they
         peer to peer based system of transactions that facilitates  can work together disclosed an attack on its platform
         every transaction without having the need to go to any  where hackers transferred $610 million worth
         financial intermediary.                                 cryptocurrency from the platform to external wallets.
                                                                 Poly network in their communication urged the hackers
         Each transaction is protected using a digital signature and  to return the stolen cryptocurrencies and in a strange
         each transaction is sent to the public key of the receiver  turn of events the hackers did return the stolen
         signed using the private key of the sender. Each of these  cryptocurrencies.
         transaction is broadcasted to every node in the Bitcoin  Y In 2014,MtGox - a Japanese Cryptocurrency exchange,
         network and is then recorded in the public ledger after  who was at that time the world's largest cryptocurrency
         verification. Every block is connected to the previous block  exchange platform filed for bankruptcy stating $460
         using a hash number and also every block has a unique hash  million worth of cryptocurrencies were stolen from their
         number embedded in itself as well.                      exchanges. As per the company there was a

         However, these transactions come in random order to the
         nodes which can create a problem of double spending. To
         combat this problem of double spending bitcoin requires a
         network of participants to agree upon a single history of
         order in which the transactions were received. The person
         receiving money, needs proof that majority nodes(network
         of participants) agree that the particular transaction was
         the one that was first received.

         While talking about Blockchain many people refer to it as a
         fool proof network of transactions but there is one loophole
         in this entire system. As per the author of the Bitcoin
         Whitepaper- Santoshi Nakamoto, this system of nodes

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