Page 25 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 25


             vulnerability in their systems that were exploited by the

                        A transaction is requested

             The transaction is broadcased to a P2P network that
                      consists of computers (nodes)

           The network of nodes uses known algorithm to validate
                     the transaction and user's status

              A verified transaction can involve cryptocurrency,
                  contracts, records, or other information
                                                              Use of cryptocurrencies to transact funds internationally can
          The transaction is combined with other transactions, once  be compared with Hawala transactions. Hawala
            verified, to create a new block of data for the ledger  Transactions operate outside the jurisdiction of Traditional
                                                              Banking System. It was originated in India and the transfer
                                                              of money takes place between Hawala dealers or
          The new block is added to the existing blockchain (which is  'Hawaladars'.
                       permanent and unalterable)

                                                              To explain Hawala transaction in brief; if a person wants to
                                                              send money abroad, instead of going through the traditional
                       The transaction is completed
                                                              banking system, the person can contact a 'hawaladar' who
                                                              contacts the other hawaladar sitting in the intended country
         Reserve Bank of India's stance on                    and directs him/her to deliver the money to the final
                                                              destination. The entire system of Hawala works on trust and
         Cryptocurrency                                       is more cost effective, efficient and most importantly does
         Central Banks across the world have a different take on  not leave any paper trail which makes it a perfect source of
         cryptocurrencies but all of them share a single view point  money laundering. Hawala transactions are completely
         on the possibility of using cryptocurrencies for terrorist  illegal in India and Pakistan.
         financing and Money Laundering.
                                                              In response to RBI, the cryptocurrency exchanges argued
         RBI on 6th April 2018 had issued a circular directing entities  that RBI has no power to ban trading in virtual currencies
         regulated by RBI to not deal in virtual currencies. Also  since they are not a legal tender and are not included in
         ordered to stop providing services and terminate     the credit system of the country. Also, virtual currencies do
         relationships with entities dealing in virtual currencies. This  not satisfy the characteristics for it to be termed as money,
         order was challenged in court by various parties who had  namely - Mediumof Exchange, Unit of Account and Store of
         vested interest in cryptocurrencies.While defending its order  Value. Hence, cryptocurrencies fall outside the jurisdiction
         in court RBI cited a paragraph from the 2015 Report on  of the Central Bank's power to regulate it.
         'Emerging Terrorist Financing Risks' by FATF which in brief
         mentioned that Virtual Currencies such as bitcoin present  Another point raised by the virtual currency exchanges is
         a great opportunity for financial innovation but at the same  that RBI classifies all the cryptocurrencies as anonymous
         time allows anonymous transfer of funds internationally. This  whereas most of the cryptocurrencies are 'pseudo-
         has attracted attention of many criminal organisations and  anonymous', which is also acknowledged by the European
         pose a threat for Terrorist Financing.               Parliament.  Pseudo anonymity means that identities on the

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