Page 30 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 30


         Y   A great number of posts of CMD, ED, GM and Zonal  Y In the Trade Unions, dominance of one section, one
             Managers will be abolished, resulting in savings of Crores  linguistic group and one geographical region will come
             of Rupee.                                           down.
         Y   Many controlling offices have to be closed, resulting in  Y Customers will have access to fewer banks offering
             savings.                                            them wider range of products at a lower cost.
         Y   In many banks, the GOI's nominee and RBI's       Y Customer service will improve vastly due to advanced
             representative on the bank boards will lose their jobs.  technology, improved systems and better ambience of
             This will not only save considerably huge money, but  bank branches.
             reduce their unnecessary interference in day to day  Y From regulatory perspective, monitoring and control of
             affairs of the banks.                               less number of banks will be easier after mergers.  This
         Y   New People and New thinking will get infused in the  is at the macro level.
             new entity.  Better systems also may be introduced, to  Y Larger banks will have more stability and strength,
             make the work life of the employees more comfortable  making the job of the regulator easier.
             and enjoyable.                                   Y It helps to improve the professional standard.
         Y   After mergers, bargaining strength of bank staff will
             become more and visible.  Bank staff may look forward  Drawbacks of amalgamation for the
             to better wages and service conditions in future.
         Y   The wide disparities between the staff of various banks
                                                              Y Mergers may result in shifting/closure of many ATMs,
             in their service conditions and monetary benefits will
                                                                 Branches and controlling offices, as it is not prudent and
             narrow down.
                                                                 economical to keep so many banks concentrated in
         Y   As the network of branches, after mergers, will be  several pockets, notably in urban and metropolitan
             evenly distributed across the country, the threat of  centre's.  Though the closure or merger of a large
             transfers to far off places will diminish for officers up to  number of branches will not happen all of a sudden, it
             MMGS III.                                           is bound to happen over a period.

         Y   Banks can spend more money and other resources, for  Y Banks may be compelled to offer another round of VRS,
             the training and development of their employees and  especially to those above 50 years of age and to those
             officers.                                           having more than 25 years of experience in the same
         Y   Employees will get wider exposure in the changed    bank. Banks might lose thousands of talented and
             environment and new opportunities will open up for  experienced personnel at a time, resulting in serious
             them.                                               crisis at the middle and senior management levels.
         Y   Trade Unions will have more numerical strength in the  Y Mergers may result in job losses on account of large
             new organization.                                   number of people taking VRS on one side and slow
                                                                 down or stoppage of further recruitment on the other.
                                                                 This may worsen the unemployment situation further.
                                                                 The plight of people taking pre-mature retirement
                                                                 (through VRS route or otherwise) will turn more pitiable
                                                                 than being envisaged.

                                                              Y The banks accounts linked to ECS and demat records
                                                                 are to be changed, in future.  This is a laborious, time
                                                                 taking and expensive exercise.
                                                              Y Different banks have different goals, priorities and
                                                                 business strategies. Synchronization may be very
                                                              Y The weaknesses of the small banks may get transferred

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